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Science Teachers and Curriculum Development: An Afternoon at the Woods Hole Field Center

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Charlene Sullivan speaks with visiting teachers
SWASH: Coastal-erosion research assistant Charlene Sullivan (in white shorts) speaks with visiting teachers at the workshop on July 1, 2003, about her work with Jeff List on shoreline erosion and their use of the SWASH (Surveying Wide-Area Shorelines) vehicle (parked behind the group).
Charlene Sullivan speaks with visiting teachers

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)'s Woods Hole Field Center (WHFC) hosted 15 middle- and high-school science teachers for an afternoon on July 1 as one stop on a weeklong Science Teacher Curriculum Development program organized by the Falmouth High School Science Department.

The week included talks and tours of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s Northeast Fisheries Science Center, the Marine Biological Laboratory, and the USGS. Participating teachers were required to listen and learn about all aspects of the marine-science community and then write lesson plans based on their experiences that week. They are scheduled to return to the Falmouth area in the fall to present the results of their summer studies.

During the teachers' time at the USGS, Ellen Mecray gave them an overview of the various science projects being conducted at the WHFC, Tammie Middleton spoke about the use of geographic-information systems (GIS) in the USGS' Massachusetts Bay study, and Mike Bothner talked about the history of Boston Harbor and the USGS' long-term study of sewage effluent in the harbor.

Charlene Sullivan allowed the teachers to stretch their legs by taking them outside (on a gorgeous summer day), where she talked about the SWASH (Surveying Wide-Area Shorelines) vehicle and the results of her work with Jeff List on shoreline erosion.

To conclude the teachers' time with us, Bill Winters talked about the gas-hydrates project and organized a tour of the GHASTLI (Gas Hydrate and Sediment Testing Laboratory Instrument) and HyFI (Hydrates From Ice) labs with Brandon Dugan and Bill Waite.

Related Web Sites
Woods Hole Field Center
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole, MA
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
non-profit research facility
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Marine Biological Laboratory
private research institution

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