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USGS Landsat Image Featured at Great Explorations Museum

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A Landsat image of Tampa Bay, produced at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)'s Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies, was selected for a children's exhibit at the newly upgraded Great Explorations museum in St. Petersburg, FL.

The 15-year-old museum recently moved to Sunken Gardens, a historic tourist attraction that was purchased by the city of St. Petersburg in 1999. As part of its renovations, the city decided to include Great Explorations in the restored exhibit space. Hands On! Inc., a local exhibit firm that helped found Great Explorations, designed all-new exhibits for the renovated museum. They selected the poster image of Tampa Bay as the focus for an "I Spy St. Pete!" exhibit.

The 1991 Landsat image, enhanced by Ellen Raabe, shows mangroves and healthy vegetation as green, agricultural fields and low-vegetation growth as pink, and water as blue. The exhibit designers worked these colors—pink, blue, and green—into a story scene, a collection of photographs and old toys and knickknacks that children can use to make up stories. The USGS hopes to continue working with Hands On! Inc. to produce a more technical exhibit related to water in the mezzanine area of the museum.

Related Web Sites
Great Explorations
hands-on children's museum, St. Petersburg, FL
Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), St. Petersburg, FL

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)