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USGS Participates in the Moloka'i Earth Day Festivities

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kids wearing 3-D glasses
3-D stereo-photographs, created by the USGS Flagstaff imaging group, are always a big hit.
As part of our community outreach for the Hawai'i Coral Reef Project, the USGS participated in the Earth Day Festivities on the island of Moloka'I on April 20th. The festival was sponsored by The Nature Conservancy of Hawai'i and included booths and displays, food and games, live music, and door prizes. Local radio celebrities emceed the event and kept the fun rolling.

Susie Cochran (USGS Pacific Science Center, Santa Cruz) and Ceil Roberts (University of Hawai'i, Institute of Marine Biology, Coconut Island, HI) hosted the USGS booth and tables, focusing on telling the community about the USGS Hawai'i Coral Reef project. In addition to posters and information, our booth displayed underwater video footage from recent dive surveys, a computerized slide show, and 3-D aerial photographs and SHOALS lidar images. We also had a board game for the keikis (kids) to help teach them how their actions can affect coral reefs.

Susie Cochran shows how to play the Coral Reef Game
Susie Cochran leads some eager minds through the Coral Reef Game at Moloka'i Earth Day Festivities.
Ceil Roberts explains the mapping of Moloka'i's coral reefs
Ceil Roberts (left) explains how the Hawai'i Coral Reef Project uses aerial photography and other methods to map the coral reefs of Moloka'i.

Judging by the constant stream of visitors to our booth, it was a successful evening. "Talking story" with local residents provided a two-way flow of information. The event also allowed us to make contact with many other groups and organizations on the island, which we hope will lead to future collaborations and studies.

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)