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Earth Day, Tampa Bay

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Seven USGS scientists from the SPFC (Nancy DeWitt, Marci Marot, Russell Peterson, Mike Stallings, Hilary Stockdon, Don Hickey, and Heather Mounts) actively participated in the Earth Day celebration, April 22nd, for the Tampa Bay area, held for the first time at the Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa. The exhibits began at noon after a paddle on the Hillsborough River to highlight the West Florida drought conditions. A special display aquarium was built by Lance Thornton to show off Kim Yates's model of the SHARQ (Submerged Habitat for Assessing Reef Quality) and was well received, especially by young children. Ann Tihansky's (WRD-Tampa) underground aquifer demonstration model, showing movement of groundwater contaminants in a karst environment, continued to be a hit this year. A Landsat image of the Tampa Bay area with superimposed bathymetry generated many positive comments. A microscope sand-viewing display, which consisted of beach-sand samples from different parts of the world, was also received well by both children and adults. This year's Earth Day displays and demonstrations generated a tremendous amount of attention, particularly in the way of questions and comments. The local CBS affiliate WTSP, Channel 10, highlighted the USGS on its evening newscast on Earth Day.

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Earth Day, Tampa Bay

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Awards Edgar Receives RSAS Award

Shinn, Reich, & Hickey Receive SEPM Award

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Staff & Center News New Post-Doc

New ECO Interns at WHFC

Talk by Richie Williams

Ellen Mecray Completes Boston Marathon


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Updated January 18, 2013 @ 10:12 AM (THF)