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Cape Cod Community College Panel Discussion

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participants at Multicultural Diversity Committee
Unknown participant with Dr. Troy Duster, Dean Rose Pena-Warfield and Glynn Williams at Cape Cod Community College Multicultural Diversity Committee panel.
On Saturday, November 6, 1999, Glynn F. Williams, Cartographic Aid, represented the USGS WHFC in a panel discussion at Cape Cod Community College entitled "2000 and Beyond... Changes in the World's Communities." The panel was sponsored by the Cape Cod Community College Multicultural Diversity Committee and is intended to foster a community dialog on diversity and cultural change.

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Myrtle Beach Mapping

Long Island Sound

Moloka'i Coral Reefs

North Carolina Outer Banks

Southern California Benthic Habitat

Outreach Cape Cod Community College

Nat'l Environmental Careers Conference

Meetings Coral Reef Task Force

Chesapeake Bay

Atlantic Offshore Aggregates

DOE Gas Hydrates

Staff & Center News Cooper Co-Chief of Antarctic ODP Cruise

Knauss Fellows Tour Reston

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Updated January 18, 2013 @ 10:12 AM (THF)