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Hazardous Materials Safety and Security Technology Field Operational Test - Volume I: Evaluation Final Report Executive Summary (Part 1)

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NOTICE: Volume I has been approved for public disclosure. Throughout this document, there are references made to Volume III, which is considered to be Sensitive Security Information (SSI). Therefore, distribution of Volume III is restricted without the prior written permission of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

November 11, 2004

Contract No. DTFH61-96-C-00098; Task 9851

Submitted to:
USDOT ITS Joint Program Office
USDOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Submitted by:
Science Applications International Corporation
1710 SAIC Drive, M/S T1-12-3
McLean, VA 22101


The following volume content definitions are provided to aid the reader in reviewing this detailed, multivolume effort presented as the Hazardous Materials Safety and Security Technology Field Operational Test Evaluation Final Report.

Volume I: Executive Summary - This current volume presents the overriding results generated from the evaluation of this FOT including overall benefit-cost results, industry deployment potential for FOT technologies, and policy options for consideration.

Volume II: Evaluation Final Report Synthesis - This volume provides information synthesized from the detailed reference sections contained in Volume III. This volume presents the "bottom line" results from the FOT activities, including the following topics, and concluding with potential policy options for consideration:

  • The Importance of HAZMAT Security and the Need for Technology
  • FOT Overview
  • Evaluation Approach Overview
  • Technical Performance
  • Efficiency Assessment Findings
  • Security Assessment Findings
  • Safety Assessment Findings
  • Benefits-Cost Results for Market Potential and Deployment
  • Public Sector and Institutional Interfaces
  • Potential Options to Realize Deployment Potential
  • Conclusions


Volume III is a Sensitive Security Information document and is not available for public distribution.

Volume III: Evaluation Final Report Detail - This volume provides the five key reference documents used to support the evaluation and results for the HAZMAT FOT under one cover:

  • Section 1: HAZMAT FOT Overview. This section provides the rationale behind this FOT, including a synopsis of FOT activities; identifies the FOT configuration; and describes the technologies deployed for this FOT.

  • Section 2: HAZMAT FOT Technical Performance, Efficiency and Safety Benefits Assessments. This section outlines the baseline data collection effort and related technology prototype testing. This section presents quantitative and qualitative performance reviews of each of the individual deployed component technologies. The section includes the Efficiency and Safety Benefits Assessments that feed into the Section 4: Benefit-Cost Assessment.

  • Section 3: HAZMAT FOT Security Benefits Assessment. This section presents the Security Benefits Assessment and covers the analytical framework and Delphi process developed to support the Security Analysis and to feed the Benefit-Cost Assessment in Section 4.

  • Section 4: Benefit-Cost Assessment and Industry Deployment Potential. This section presents the Efficiency, Safety and Security Benefit-Cost Assessments and Market Potential Analysis for Industry Deployment built upon the detailed Efficiency, Safety, and Security Benefits Assessments in Sections 2 and 3.

  • Section 5: Public Sector Component. This section presents the evaluation of the Public Sector FOT, which is an add-on component to the larger HAZMAT FOT.


ATRI American Transportation Research Institute
BSG Biometrics Solutions Group
COTS Commercial-off-the-Shelf
CVSA Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
E-seal Electronic Seal
ESCM Electronic Supply Chain Manifest
FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
FOT Field Operational Test
GPS Global Positioning System
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems
JPO Joint Program Office
LTL Less-than-Truckload
MCMIS Motor Carrier Management Information System
OBC On-Board Computer / Communications
PIN Personal Identification Number
PSRC Public Sector Reporting Center
ROI Return on Investment
SAIC Science Applications International Corporation
TSA Transportation Security Administration
USDOT U.S. Department of Transportation

Continue to: Table of Contents > Part 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5

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