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Vegetation Control for Safety




The purpose of this handbook is to help maintenance workers be aware of safe ways to

  • mow
  • cut brush
  • control other vegetation

to increase traffic safety. During the growing season, grass, weeds, and brush often limit a driver's view of approaching vehicles. Likewise, lush vegetation can act as a screen that hides pedestrians and bikers from drivers and vice versa. Be alert for places where vegetation needs to be cut back.

Vegetation Control for Safety

Click here to view document FHWA-RT-90-003 in PDF format. (1.52 MB)

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Advanced Traveler Information Systems | Driver and Human Performance
Driver Information Systems | Intelligent Vehicle/In-Vehicle
ITS Capabilities | Older Drivers | Pedestrian/Bicyclist Safety
Roadway & Roadside Safety | Safety Management | Traffic Management Systems | Work Zones