US Department of Education Principal Office Functional Statements
Office of Communications and Outreach

Functional Statements > Office of Communications and Outreach


  1. Mission and Responsibilities
  2. Organization
  3. Order of Succession
  4. Functions and Responsibilities Of OCO Components
    1. Immediate Office Of The Assistant Secretary
    2. External Affairs and Outreach Services
    3. Media Relations And Strategic Communications
    4. Communication Development
    5. Communication Services
  5. Primary Delegations of Authority

I. Mission and Responsibilities

The Office of Communications and Outreach is responsible for overall leadership for the Department in its communications and outreach activities, designed to engage the general public as well as a wide variety of education, community, business, parent, academic, student, and other groups, including the media, intergovernmental and interagency organizations, and public advocacy groups in the President's and Secretary's education agenda. The Office directs, coordinates, and recommends policy for activities designed to:

  • Make the Department's policies and the Secretary's goals widely understood by the public and the many groups interested and affected by education matters, with a particular emphasis on under-served groups.
  • Initiate and oversee the creation of specialized and proactive public outreach and information programs of high visibility and timeliness to generate interest in and focus on issues and activities relating to the mission of the Department.
  • Develop productive working relationships with the media and the many groups involved in education issues, as well as with other federal agencies, and state and local government and non-government organizations.
  • Develop communications strategies and work with all Principal Offices to oversee and coordinate communications efforts.
  • Ensure that a clear, coherent and cohesive message is developed and communicated.
  • Develop publications, written documents, and other communications products of high quality with useful content.
  • Promote and support stronger ties between the Department and school reform efforts.
  • Lead, monitor, and evaluate interagency cooperation involving ED.
  • Direct and recommend policy for the Federal Interagency Committee on Education, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs, and Presidential education award programs, including the Presidential Scholars program.


II. Organization

The Office of Communications and Outreach is under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Outreach, who reports directly to the Secretary of Education. The Assistant Secretary provides overall direction, coordination, and leadership to the following main components:

  • External Affairs and Outreach Services
  • Media Relations and Strategic Communications
  • Communication Development
  • Communication Services


III. Order of Succession

In the event that the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Outreach dies, resigns or is otherwise unable to perform the functions and duties of the office, and the office is thereby deemed to be vacant, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for External Affairs and Outreach Services shall temporarily perform the functions and duties of the office in an acting capacity.

In instances where the office is not vacant, but the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Outreach is absent, the following officials, in the order shown, shall perform the functions and duties of the office:

Deputy Assistant Secretary for External Affairs and Outreach Services;
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Media Relations and Strategic Services;
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Communication Services; and
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Communication Development.


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Last Modified: 05/01/2007