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The Ghana Vision of the U.S. Agency for International Development:
Empowering Ghanaians through Partnerships to Build a Prosperous Nation.
Press Release


The United States Ambassador to Ghana, Pamela Bridgewater, hosted a dinner for 30 Persons Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHAs) with the theme "Joining forces to reduce the barrier of stigma and discrimination against PLWHAs." The dinner, held in Accra on December 14, 2005, was part of the month long activities commemorating World AIDS Day celebrations.

The event provided an opportunity for the PLWHAs to dialogue directly with the U.S. Ambassador and also discuss the challenges they and their families face as well as how senior leaders of both the U.S. and Ghana can better meet the needs of those affected and infected by HIV/AIDS.

Due to stigmatization, few PLWHAs are prepared to reveal their HIV status (including to their family, friends and partners), or to even get treatment once experiencing symptoms. Stigma reduction is key to the quality of life of PLWHAs: for example, to encourage people to submit voluntarily to HIV testing; to access treatment, care and support programs; and to defend their constitutional rights to keep their jobs and housing once their environment is aware of their HIV status.

Five USAID partner organizations also joined in the discussions with the PLWHAs and will continue to collaborate with PLWHA networks in developing and implementing a strong stigma reduction campaign in 2006.

USAID has a US$7 million per year HIV/AIDS program focusing on preventing 30,000 new infections till the year 2010 in those areas where the risk is greatest, and it includes groups such as youth and teachers. USAID also supports the Government of Ghana in expanding treatment, care and support activities for people infected with the virus and it is planning to support regional and national networks of people living with HIV and AIDS.

Ambassador Bridgewater is firmly committed to the fight against HIV/AIDS and will keep this as one of her top priorities.



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