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Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Summary Tables

Program Summary

Category FY 1999
FY 2000
FY 2001
FY 2002
Development Assistance 0 0 0 0
Child Survival and Disease Programs Fund 0 0 0 0
Assistance for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (FSA) 0 0 0 0
Assistance for Eastern Europe and the Baltic States (AEEB)* 114,918 231,549 321,790 265,000
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, of which
  Montenegro [25,900] [42,249] [72,340] -
  Serbia [6,400] [25,000] [99,780] -
  Montenegro and Serbia - - - [145,000]
  Kosovo [82,618] [164,300] [149,670] [120,000]
Economic Support Funds 17,900 21,139 - -
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, of which
  Montenegro [15,000] - - -
  Kosovo [2,900]  [21,139] - -
P.L. 480 Title II 57,086 54,277 34,218 -
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, of which
  Kosovo [57,086] - - -
  Serbia - [54,277] [34,218] -
Total Program Funds 189,904 306,965 356,008 265,000

* AEEB includes Section 632(a) transfers to other U.S. Government agencies as follows: FRY FY 1999 $92 million; Montenegro FY 2000 $5 million and FY 2001 $3 million; Serbia FY 2000 $1 million and FY 2002 $8 million; Montenegro and Serbia FY 2002 $12 million; and, Kosovo FY 2000 $107 million, FY 2001 $87 million and FY 2002 $72 million.

When added together, the FY 2001 estimated level of $72 million and FY 2000 Supplemental Appropriations level of $17 million, total $89 million for the Republic of Montenegro.

Strategic Objective Summary

Strategic and
SO Titles Account FY 1999
FY 2000
FY 2001
FY 2002
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
158-021 Increased, Better Informed Citizen's Participation in Political and Economic Decision Making AEEB 7,486 0 0 0
158-031 Humanitarian Community Services and Facilities AEEB 14,301 0 0 0
158-042 Cross-Cutting Programs AEEB 670 0 0 0
  P.L. 480 57,086 54,277 34,218 0
  Transfers AEEB 92,461 0 0 0
  Total - Federal Republic of Yugoslavia   172,004 54,277 34,218 0
170-013 Accelerated Development and Growth of Private Enterprise AEEB 0 6,199 17,000 0
170-021 Increased, Better Informed Citizens' Participation in Political and Economic Decision Making AEEB 0 2,550 11,785 0
170-041 Special Initiatives AEEB 0 28,500 40,000 0
    ESF 15,000 0 0 0
170-042 Cross-Cutting Programs AEEB 0 400 1,000 0
  Transfers AEEB 0 4,600 2,555 0
  Total - Montenegro   15,000 42,249 72,340 0
169-013 Accelerated Development and Growth of Private Enterprise AEEB 0 0 13,500 0
169-021 Increased, Better Informed Citizens' Participation in Political and Economic Decision Making AEEB 0 22,407 39,150 0
169-023 More Effective, Responsive and Accountable Local Government AEEB 0 0 8,000 0
169-031 Humanitarian Community Services and Facilities AEEB 0 0 10,500 0
169-041 Special Initiatives AEEB 0 0 18,615 0
169-042 Cross-Cutting Programs AEEB 0 1,500 2,000 0
  Transfers AEEB 0 1,093 8,015  
  Total - Serbia   0 25,000 99,780 0
Montenegro & Serbia
169-013 Accelerated Development and Growth of Private Enterprise AEEB 0 0 0 50,000
169-021 Increased, Better Informed Citizens' Participation in Political and Economic Decision Making AEEB 0 0 0 80,000
169-042 Cross-Cutting Programs AEEB 0 0 0 3,000
  Transfers AEEB 0 0 0 12,000
  Total - Montenegro & Serbia 0 0 0 145,000
167-013 Establishment of an Economic Policy and Institutional Framework AEEB 0 22,600 26,100 25,492
167-021 Accountable and Transparent Governance AEEB 0 9,384 5,700 8,390
167-031 Restored Normalcy in Living Standards and Opportunities  AEEB 0 18,900 17,400 11,818
167-041 Special Initiatives AEEB 0 3,750 11,300 0
  ESF 2,900 21,139 0 0
167-042 Cross-Cutting Programs AEEB 0 3,116 1,800 2,300
  Transfers AEEB 106,550 87,370 72,000
  Total - Kosovo 2,900 185,439 149,670 120,000
  Total - Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 189,904 306,965 356,008 265,000
