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Staff & Center News

Steve Colman Detailed to National Science Foundation

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Steve Colman, Geologist with the Woods Hole Field Center, begins a temporary detail to the National Science Foundation on March 29th, for 6-9 months. Steve will be Acting Program Director of the Paleoclimate Program in the Atmospheric Sciences Division of the Geosciences Directorate. He will also be one of several Program Directors leading the inter-divisional (EAR, OCE, ATM, OPP, and NOAA) Earth System History Program. He will continue to spend one day a week in Woods Hole, keeping the Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem Evolution Project, among other things, going.

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High School Sophomore Projects New Pangea

Hurricane Presentation

Bolide Web Site

USGS / Science Teachers

Meetings cover story
Southern California Earthquake Hazards

Atlantic Margin

Shinnecock Inlet

Fire Island

Marine Advanced Technology Education

TEI User Symposium

Staff & Center News Visitors to GHASTLI Lab

Colman Detailed to NSF

OSHA Training

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Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter

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Updated January 18, 2013 @ 10:12 AM (THF)