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Streamflow concepts

The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Water Information System (NWIS) provides access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Water information is available for the following topics. These explanations will help you understand the water data available from USGS. Be aware that some counties will not have data available for some or all of the topics.

What is a watershed?
 We all live in a watershed. A watershed is an area of land that drains all the streams and rainfall to a common outlet.
Stream stage and streamflow
 Find out how the height of a stream (stream stage) relates to the amount of water flowing.
Typical USGS water-monitoring site
 Look at some of the instrumentation that is installed at a typical water-monitoring site.
How does the USGS collect streamflow data?
 This website takes you through how USGS chooses a stream monitoring site, installs equipment, and monitors the stream.
How streamflow is measured
 Find out the procedure that USGS scientists use to measure streamflow.
High-water marks and stream stage
 "Low-tech" methods, such as a line of dried mud on a bridge pier, can tells us the peak stage of a stream.
Streamflows during storms versus low-flow periods
 Streamflow during storms can be many times higher than during low-flow periods. Find out how much of a yearly's streamflow can occur in just a few days.
Impervious surfaces and flooding
 Find out why a house in Atlanta, Ga. is wearing stilts! Development in a watershed can alter streamflow patterns.
How many baths can you get from a rainstorm?
 Interactive calculator where you can find out how many gallons of water falls during a rainstorm.

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Comments? Questions? Contact Steven J. Brady
This URL: http://ga2.er.usgs.gov:80/kswater/helpconcepts.cfm
Last updated: 01/20/2005 11:07:44 AM

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