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SDDOT / Project Development / Planning / Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

STIP Coordinator: Duane Heermann
Phone: (605) 773-3136; Fax (605) 773-6608

This five-year program is a list of projects developed through the coordinated efforts of the Department of Transportation, Transportation Commission, state and federal agencies, local and tribal governments, metropolitan planning organizations, public agencies, transportation providers, citizens and other interested parties. The program identifies highway and intermodal improvements to preserve, renovate, and enhance South Dakota's transportation system.

State Highway Economic Stimulus Projects

President Barack Obama signed a $787 billion economic stimulus bill into law on Tuesday, February 17th. South Dakota is estimated to receive approximately $183 million in ARRA funding that also could include rail infrastructure activities. The SD Dept of Transportation has identified these initial projects as the starting point for the stimulation package. As the amount of available funding is finalized, additional projects will be added to this list.

ARRA Stimulus Projects - Contact Tim Bjorneberg (605) 773-3268

Map of these projects

Local Government ARRA Funds - Contact Bruce Lindholm (605) 773-3574

Rapid City MPO - Transit Revision - Contact Bruce Lindholm (605) 773-3574

Sioux Falls MPO - Transit Revision - Contact Bruce Lindholm (605) 773-3574

Transit Revision August 3, 2009 - Contact Bruce Lindholm (605) 773-3574

SDDOT Transit Revision - Contact Bruce Lindholm (605) 773-3574

SDDOT Transit Revision Detail - Contact Bruce Lindholm (605) 773-3574

Airport Projects
  • ARRA Airport Projects
  • Martin Airport Certification
  • Mission Airport Certification
  • Mitchell Airport Certification
  • Pierre Airport Certification
  • Transportation Enhancement Stimulus Funds Application
        - Word Document
        - Adobe PDF File

    DOT-ES-1 - Monthly Employment Report for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) projects
    DOT ES-1 Instruction - Instructions for completing DOT ES-1

    Tentative 2010-2014 STIP

    The Department of Transportation in now developing the Tentative 2010-2014 STIP. The Transportation Commission approved the Tentative STIP at its June meeting. A copy of the Statewide STIP can be downloaded HERE.

    The 2010-2014 Tentative Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Interactive Map (STIP) depicts the location and type of improvement for the Department's major highway projects.

    Schedule of STIP Public Meetings – The following is the dates and locations of the STIP Public Meetings:

    Formal Public Meetings

    July 16, 2009 - Rapid City at the Ramkota Hotel, 7:00 p.m.
    - Rapid City Region Report
    - Audio Presentation
    - Secretary Bergquist Presentation
    - Region Engineer Todd Seaman Presentation

    July 21, 2009 - Aberdeen at the Ramada Convention Center, 7:00 p.m.
    - Aberdeen Region Report
    - Audio Presentation
    - Secretary Bergquist Presentation
    - Region Engineer Jeff Senst Presentation

    July 22, 2009 - Sioux Falls at the Ramkota Hotel, 7:00 p.m.
    - Mitchell Region Report
    - Audio Presentation
    - Secretary Bergquist Presentation
    - Region Engineer Tom Week Presentation

    July 23, 2009 - Mitchell at the Mitchell Technical Institute Technology Center on the southeast corner of the intersection of I90 and SD37 at 1800 East Spruce, 7:00 p.m.
    - Mitchell Region Report
    - Audio Presentation
    --> - Secretary Bergquist Presentation
    - Region Engineer Tom Week Presentation

    July 28 & 29, 2009 - Pierre at the Ramkota Hotel, 7:00 p.m
    - Pierre Region Report
    - July 28 Audio Presentation
    - July 29 Audio Presentation
    - Secretary Bergquist Presentation
    - Area Engineer Jim Hyde Presentation

    To send your comments concerning the STIP to DOT Management via the STIP Coordinator, email Duane Heermann at:

    2009-2013 STIP Approved by the SD Transportation Commission

    The 2009-2013 has been approved by the South Dakota Transportation Commission, the FHWA and FTA. See below for details of that plan.

    Click here for the 2009-2013 STIP Sorted by County

    The 2009-2013 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Interactive Map (STIP) depicts the location and type of improvement for the Department's major highway projects.

    The STIP online 2009-2013:
    To see the most current project list, which would include project revisions, choose a county from the drop-down box. Use the navigation at the bottom of the page to scroll through all the pages available for that county. The information in this report is the most up to date available and if different, will supersede the project information listed in the above report. You will need to click the back button on your browser to get back to the dropdown list.

    Please choose a county from the list:

    For more information or questions, please contact:

         Duane Heerman  Email or (605) 773-3136

         David Voeltz:  Email or (605) 773-3590

    Copyright © State of South Dakota, 1997-2007.
    All rights reserved.