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Coastal Morphodynamics Symposium

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The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) hosted an informal one-day symposium exploring Cape Cod and New England research topics in a Coastal Morphodynamics Symposium held on April 25th. The steering committee (Laura Moore, Steve Elgar, and Rocky Geyer from WHOI, and Jeff List from the WHFC) planned the symposium to bring local and regional researchers together. The purpose was to exchange ideas and interests through short oral presentations and participate in an open discussion to explore opportunities for coordinating future research.

The presentations were broadly clustered into topics of Marsh and Inlet Morphodynamics, Beach Morphology, Nearshore Morphodynamics, and Shelf Dynamics. In all, 14 speakers represented six organizations: WHOI, SUNY-Stony Brook, Boston College, Boston University, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and the USGS (Jim Allen, Debbie Hutchinson, Jeff List, Bill Schwab, and Rich Signell). Jeff Williams (CMGP Coordinator, Reston) contributed one of the poster displays. More than 40 scientists, primarily from WHOI and the USGS but also from other agencies and universities, participated in the sometimes lively and entertaining discussions. All participants left the meeting with a sense of excitement about new research possibilities despite the many challenges that limit our understanding of the complex processes that together form the coastal zone and coastal ocean. Laura Moore tentatively plans a written summary of the day's talks and discussions.

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)