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A Report on the 25th Annual Blacks in Government National Training Conference

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Mario Jones and Glynn Williams
Mario Jones (left, USGS Human Resources Specialist, Denver, CO) and Glynn Williams (Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole, MA).

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)'s Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Field Center, and the Special Emphasis Program Advisory Committee sponsored Glynn Williams' trip to the Blacks in Government (BIG) National Training Conference held in Denver, CO, August 25-29, 2003.

The 25th annual BIG conference was exciting and informative, packed with employee-development, technical, and financial workshops, covering such topics as information technology (IT) and investment planning.

There were insightful and revealing discussions of diversity issues, job enhancement, retirement preparation, and government-spending concerns.

Some of the distinguished panelists included BIG President Greg Reeves, other executive BIG members, and local government officials, including Colorado Governor Bill Owens and newly elected Denver Mayor John W. Hickenlooper.

Greg Reeve's first-year opening conference speech as BIG president was impressive and demonstrated his preparedness for the challenges ahead.

A Webcast of the opening session is available at the BIG conference Web site.

Glynn Williams, Pat Schassburger, and Stephen Vandas Tara Hooper Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper

Above left: Some USGS personnel at the 25th annual BIG conference (left to right): Glynn Williams (Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole, MA), Pat Schassburger (Regional Outreach Coordinator, Denver, CO), and Stephen Vandas (Regional Outreach Coordinator, Denver, CO).

Above center: The audience at the opening plenary session was spellbound by Tara Hooper's rendition of our national anthem.

Above right: Denver's Mayor Hickenlooper at the podium.

Related Sound Waves Stories
Blacks In Government (BIG) Conference in Atlanta, GA
October 2002
BIG (Blacks in Government) 2001 Conference Brief
October 2001
Annual Blacks in Government National Training Conference
September 2000

Related Web Sites
25th Annual National Training Conference
Blacks in Goverment (BIG)
Woods Hole Field Center
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole, MA

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