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U.S. Announces Award for HIV/AIDS Research and Evaluation

March 21, 2007
Press Office: 202-712-4320
Public Information: 202-712-4810

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), awarded Project SEARCH - Supporting Evaluation and Research to Combat HIV/AIDS - to five organizations to support HIV/AIDS research and evaluation in developing countries. The awardees are Boston University, Family Health International, Futures Group International, Johns Hopkins University, and Population Council.

Made possible through the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the goal of the project is to carry out research and evaluation to improve the coverage, quality and effectiveness of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment programs worldwide. In addition, it will serve to strengthen local capacity in HIV/AIDS research and public health assessments through training and in-country collaborations.

The awards - based on full and open competition - fall under a mechanism called an Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC), which provides a more efficient response to the short and long-term needs of missions overseas by establishing a competitive bidding process between only the Project SEARCH contractors. Over the planned 5-year implementation period, USAID has projected that orders for services under Project SEARCH could potentially reach $200 million.

Project SEARCH may be used for:

  • Developing and evaluating models of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment programs;
  • Conducting public health evaluations to investigate effectiveness of interventions and translating results into public health guidelines;
  • Identifying and disseminating best practices to improve program efficiency and effectiveness;
  • Developing national and international standards and indicators for the purpose of program monitoring and evaluation;
  • Conducting analyses of clinical, community-level, and population-based epidemiologic, demographic and surveillance data;
  • Testing program implementation models including research on practical applications of new technologies and intervention models in resource poor settings;
  • Carrying out feasibility studies, community preparedness studies and policy analyses; and,
  • Developing local capacity in applied research and ethical procedures by increasing technical skills of developing country investigators and providing technical assistance to in-country institutions.

    For more information on USAID's support of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, visit:

    The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40 years.

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  • Thu, 22 Mar 2007 10:22:13 -0500