" TARGET="_top" > Summary of water-level conditions in St. Lucie County, Florida as of December 31, 2012.

Water-level conditions in southern Florida

All data presented on this site are considered to be PROVISIONAL DATA and subject to revision pending further review.

Summary of Water-level Conditions in St. Lucie County, Florida County, for the End of December 2012.

Below is a north-to-south listing of the end-of-month daily water levels reported in St. Lucie County, Florida as of December 31, 2012. For surface-water monitoring stations, the daily reported value is the daily mean stage (water level). For ground-water monitoring stations, the daily reported value is the maximum water level recorded for the day. A current summary of telemeted/real-time data is also available..

For most locations, the minimum and maximum water levels reported on this page are the minimum and maximum for the USGS-collected data stored in NWIS. The period of record for these basic statistics is limited to the past 35 years of published continuous-collection data and may not include the current calendar year or the past calender year until the data are reviewed for quality assurance. Older records, records that are available only on non-electronic media, periodic measurements, and data published by other agencies are not included in this estimation.

Historical water-level summary for sites in the St. Lucie County, Florida

(--, Data not available; referenced water levels are daily maximum elevation values for groundwater sites, daily mean values for surface-water sites, in feet above sea level as represented by the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 1929); Stations with less than 5 years of instrumented record are excluded from comparison )

Seven-day mean of daily water levels, December 2012 Approximate change in water level Seven-day mean of daily water levels at end of December 2011 Approximate change in water level Daily water levels during December 2012 Minimum water level recorded during December 2012 Maximum water level recorded during December 2012 Minimum water level recorded since WY1976 Maximum water level recorded since WY1976
Start: End: Start: End:
STL- 264 -- recorded 2012.12.01, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- recorded 2012.12.31, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- 19.60 recorded 02-JAN-2012 12:00:00, In top 10 percent of data recorded since WY1976 -- -- -- -- -- 17.68 21.79
STL- 176 -- recorded 2012.12.01, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- recorded 2012.12.31, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- 15.03 recorded 02-JAN-2012 12:00:00, In middle 40 percent of data recorded since WY1976 -- -- -- -- -- 10.58 18.55
STL- 175 -- recorded 2012.12.01, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- recorded 2012.12.31, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- 9.87 recorded 02-JAN-2012 12:00:00, In top 10 to 30 percent of data recorded since WY1976 -- -- -- -- -- 6.01 12.17
STL- 42 -- recorded 2012.12.01, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- recorded 2012.12.31, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- 25.48 recorded 02-JAN-2012 12:00:00, In middle 40 percent of data recorded since WY1976 -- -- -- -- -- 22.62 28.69
STL- 125 18.66 recorded 02-DEC-2012 12:00:00, In top 10 percent of data recorded since WY1976 17.72 recorded 02-JAN-2013 12:00:00, In top 10 to 30 percent of data recorded since WY1976 -0.94 18.58 recorded 02-JAN-2012 12:00:00, In top 10 percent of data recorded since WY1976 -0.86 18.53 17.63 17.66 18.48 10.00 21.17
STL- 213 -- recorded 2012.12.01, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- recorded 2012.12.31, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- 12.56 recorded 02-JAN-2012 12:00:00, In top 10 to 30 percent of data recorded since WY1976 -- -- -- -- -- 8.91 16.72
STL- 172 -- recorded 2012.12.01, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- recorded 2012.12.31, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- 14.46 recorded 02-JAN-2012 12:00:00, In middle 40 percent of data recorded since WY1976 -- -- -- -- -- 10.15 16.44
STL- 313 -- recorded 2012.12.01, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- recorded 2012.12.31, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- 25.38 recorded 02-JAN-2012 12:00:00, In bottom 10 to 30 percent of data recorded since WY1976 -- -- -- -- -- 23.66 29.12
STL- 214 -- recorded 2012.12.01, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- recorded 2012.12.31, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- 21.95 recorded 02-JAN-2012 12:00:00, In top 10 to 30 percent of data recorded since WY1976 -- -- -- -- -- 17.64 26.44
STL- 185 -- recorded 2012.12.01, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- recorded 2012.12.31, Statistical comparisons cannot currently be made on available data. -- 24.84 recorded 02-JAN-2012 12:00:00, In middle 40 percent of data recorded since WY1976 -- -- -- -- -- 20.48 27.81
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Funding for the USGS to design and maintain this site has been provided through a cooperative agreement with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). Water-level conditions are monitored by the USGS with support from Federal, State, and local cooperators.

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