Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines


View pre- and post-Storm Images of Hurricane Irene at: and

Read the Philadelphia Inquirer story Should nation's taxpayers be paying for beach-fill efforts? featuring comments from Associate Director Andy Coburn
Hear Rob Young on North Carolina Public Radio, WUNC's The State of Things: Rising Tides and the Changing Coast
PSDS leads a scientific effort to examine proposed rule changes for beach nourishment projects in Florida
The National Park Service has released a Coastal Inventory Report authored by PSDS staff. View the PDF here
See Andy Coburn's presentation on strategic coastal retreat
Click here to read more IN THE NEWS...


Storm Surge Database
The Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines is using relational tools and geographic information systems (GIS) to build a national storm surge database beginning with the state of North Carolina as a prototype. This project will provide one central location for coastal scientists and engineers to access storm surge and high water mark data (HWM). 

Sea Level Rise
Beaufort County, SC ranks third in the US in area of wetlands threatened by sea level rise. Through a partnership with Beaufort County and PSDS, the areas most susceptible to sea level rise are being mapped in order to help inform residents and local policy makers of the problems associated with sea level rise.

Rivercane Restoration
Rivercane is a bamboo native to the United States that has been used for millennia for basketry and other purposes by Native American tribes such as the Choctaw and Cherokee. Recent revitalization of traditional arts and crafts in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian (EBCI) has prompted a major research effort at Western Carolina University through the Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines.

ELWHA Dam Removal
Dr. Rob Young, Director of Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines, received a $1.5 M grant from the National Science Foundation in 2007 to bring youth and science together in studying the effects of the dam removal.

Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines
294 Belk
Western Carolina University Cullowhee, NC 28723
FAX: 828-227-7263


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