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Outreach Recent Highlights:

teachers as they begin their canoe trip
Raising Awareness of Water-Resource Issues

 Mark Walters, ,Chris D'Elia, Hannah Hamilton, Robert Bazell, Catherine Puckett,A.B. Wade, Barry Rosen, Robert Costanza, and Andy Reich
Scientists and the Media: Impacts of Sea-level Rise

Joseph Hamilton executes construction and repair of underwater scientific equipment.
USGS Participates in Marine Quest 2008

Gordon Anderson uses a sediment elevation table
USGS Everglades Science in National Geographic Program

students stretching 'intestines' across the lawn
Open House at FISC St. Petersburg

students view tiny marine organisms through microscopes
Earth Science Day in Menlo Park, CA

Petri dish advertising Microbial Week
Microbial Week on the Deep-Sea News Blog

Brian Atwater
Scientist Shows Evidence for 300-Year-Old Tsunami

Sea otter in kelp bed
Upcoming! "A Tale of Two Kelp Forests" Public Lecture

Bill Winters and Dave Mason with the science teachers from the Connecticut Institute for Science Instruction and Study
ISIS Teachers Visit Wood's Hole

White chimneys at Champagne vent
Public Lecture: Alchemy in the Abyss

Leaf Allen at McNears Beach on San Pablo Bay, where he discovered a U.S. Geological Survey drifter
Decades-old USGS Current Drifter Found

Quintin Brown, Brock Minvielle and Samantha Hill
Job Shadowing at National Wetlands Research Center

postcard to advertise the Future City competition
Middle-School Students Envision a Future City

sign for Disasterville
"Disasterville" Exhibit at Florida Museum

eager students raise their hands to answer a question
Earth Science Week Celebration in Menlo Park, CA

young visitor excavates a 'glacier'
USGS Participates in Waquoit Bay Watershed Block Party

bald eagle Sequoia and San Francisco Zoo volunteers Linda Mickey and John Flynn
USGS Open House in Menlo Park, CA

Curt Storlazzi, Guy Marion, and Brian Lapointe.
USGS Scientist Interviewed About Threats to Coral Reefs

Durant High School Spoonbill Bowl winners show off their trophy
Spoonbill Bowl

Tracy Enright leads a group through the South Florida Information Access Web site.
Open House at FISC St. Petersburg

Michael Henderson, Abby Sallenger, and Shawn Bennett.
Hurricane Exhibit Highlights USGS Science

Alan Mikuni, Cindy Limbaugh, Mark Limbaugh, Pat and Sharon O'Toole, Sallie Beavers, Curt Storlazzi, and Eric Grossman.
Briefing on Coastal Research in Hawai'i

Brian Collins and Robert Kayen at the breach of the 17th Street Canal levee, New Orleans
USGS Scientists Featured in News Segment on Broken Levees

Ann Tihansky stands next to the Geopark sign
Educational Geopark in Florida

Harvest Mouse
Balancing Wildlife Needs and Wetland Restoration in San Francisco Bay

group picture in the quarry
Ground Water Institute for Teachers

Computer simulation of a tsunami generated by a large earthquake on the Cascadia subduction zone in 1700
Lessons and Questions from the Indian Ocean Tsunami

Curious tourist divers (upper right) watch as USGS scientist Ginger Garrison conducts underwater research at a coral reef in the Virgin Islands National Park.
USGS Scientist Featured on Television Series

Visiting students and Noah Silverman
Scientist Shares USGS Work Experience with Students

USGS participants in Spoonbill Bowl
USGS Participates in "Spoonbill Bowl"

picture of new tsunami Web pages
Tsunami Web Sites

USGS employees and blimp
CCWS Open House

picture from Woods Hole Open House
Woods Hole Science Center Participates in Open House

Curt Storlazzi
USGS Pacific Science Center Open House

San Diego gopher snake
Third Annual "Snake Talk"

Barbara Ryan and Julia Giller
The National Map Comes to Florida

Group photograph was taken in Biscayne Bay at the end of the last day.
South Florida Congressional Staff Tour

Molly McLaughlin shows eager USF oceanography campers how dried cores, when sprayed with water, reveal sediment layers more clearly.
Oceanography Camp for Girls

Ann Tihansky
USGS Participates in Marine Quest X

Bicentennial Core Display
Coral Reef Exhibit

Sally Ride and Jennifer Rosser
Sally Ride Science Festival

sunset photograph
Pink Sunsets Caused by African Dust

Gerry Hatcher and Tom Reiss
Earth Science Week Exhibits

Helping Enhance Spadefoot Toad Terrain

Teachers study maps and aerial photographs
USGS Hosts WETMAAP Workshops for Teachers

Jon Wiebe show visitors an American crocodile Florida Integrated Science Centers' Open House in Gainesville
'Dress Like a Marine Geologist' exhibit Open House in Menlo Park, CA
ignited methane hydrate Gaia's Breath—Methane and the Future of Natural Gas
two radio-tagged manatees socializing Track Florida's Manatees Via Web Site
Tony Williams discusses water quality with a group of chilly students on snow-covered Megansett Beach Environmental Symposium
Sandy Baldwin helps a GeoFest participant make a paper nautiloid model Second Annual Woods Hole Field Center Open House
students on the deck of the M/V Auriga Students Tour M/V Auriga
online documentary - 'Coral Reefs in Honduras: Status After Hurricane Mitch' Honduras Coral-Reef Documentary Online
Americorps volunteers from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette work to save grasses and perennials Students Restore Disappearing Prairie
Listen to the Interview
KQED Forum Archive: January 15, 2002, 10am
Radio Interview Explores African Dust, Human Health, and Mystery Novels U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter

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This page is
Updated October 15, 2008 @ 10:27 AM (JSS)