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Fieldwork Recent Highlights:

Hurricane Gustav making landfall
Coastal Impacts of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike

sea otters floating among the bull kelp
Sea Otter Population Recovery Continues at Slower Rate

Coral team braves the wind for a group shot on deck.
Corals, Habitats, and Paleoclimate in the Drake Passage

Joanne Ferreira is pleased to see the tripod she deployed on the Palos Verdes shelf 5 months earlier.
Palos Verdes Shelf Experiment: Contaminated Mud

Installing a water-quality probe and global positioning system unit on a traditional canoe
Water Quality in the Salish Sea

Calibrating Proxies for Holocene Climate Study
Calibrating Proxies for Holocene Climate Study

Research vessel Thomas G. Thompson
Iron Biogeochemistry in the Gulf of Alaska

Scott Brandenberg and Brian Collins recording landslide-damage observations
Earthquake Damage Near Nuclear Power Plant

Inspection of ocean-bottom seismometers after recovery
Ocean-Bottom Seismometers Monitor Earthquake Swarms

Stan Locker, Shane Dunn, Kevin Bradley, and Al Hine
Sea-Floor Mapping in the Gulf of Mexico

View of the Asan Unit of War-in-the-Pacific National Historical Park
Effects of Watershed Erosion on Coral Reefs in Guam

Research vessel Zephyr
Tar Seeps in the Santa Barbara Channel

Adrian Green and Laura Erban sampling groundwater sampling ground water beneath the Corsica River
Submarine Ground Water on Maryland's Eastern Shore Outreach

perspective view of the bathymetry of the Mona Passage
New Bathymetric Map of Mona Passage

Study area west of San Francisco, California
Surveying Faults and Sediment Outside San Francisco Bay

whooper swan
Satellites Help Scientists Track Migratory Birds

top of a tunicate colony of Didemnum species
Invasive Sea Squirts Persist on Georges Bank

Ann Gibbs ready to board the floatplane.
Aerial Shoreline Reconnaissance of Alaska's North Slope

Golden Gate area, showing positions of the merchant vessel Blue Harp and the tank barge Dottie after a hypothetical collision 11 nautical miles southwest of the Golden Gate.
Oil Spill Response Exercise

field crew sets up a global-positioning-system
Measuring Hurricane Impact Along the Louisiana Coastline

Brian Collins oversees simultaneous laser-scanning and differential global-positioning-system surveys at the Orleans Avenue Canal pump station.
Scientists Revisit New Orleans Levee Breaks

Andrew Schwartz and Dan Hanes maneuver an Aquadopp current profiler and its frame in the surf.
Surf-Zone Hydrodynamics at Ocean Beach

Augustine Volcano's summit enshrouded in gas, steam, and clouds
Monitoring Eruption of Augustine Volcano

Hurricane Wilma
Monitoring Hurricane Wilma's Storm Surge

Sites where Kayen and Collins surveyed levees in New Orleans.
USGS Scientists Investigate New Orleans Levees

research vessel Rafael
New Equipment Deployed to Map Sea-Floor Geology

Tunicate colony of Didemnum sp., with a typical lumpy surface
Sea Squirt Colonies Persist on Georges Bank

Hurricane Rita
Measuring Hurricane Impacts

Scott Wilson, Clint Jeske, and Bob Keeland  rescue a stranded woman from the New Orleans floodwaters
USGS Provides Aid in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

post-Katrina photo
Coastal Impacts of Hurricane Katrina

surf scoter nest
Locating Surf Scooter Nests in the Northern Boreal Forest

Don Hickey cores one of the large Montastraea faveolata coral heads as Chris Reich waits to help extract the core.
Coral Coring in Flower Garden Banks NMS

USGS-WHOI ocean-bottom seismometer
Northeastern Caribbean Tsunami and Earthquake Hazards

Technical diver Lance Horn poses during a decompression stop.
Deep Diving at the Shelf Edge

Etienne Kingsley and Gegar Prasetya standing at what was the high-tide line before the March 28 earthquake
Second Tsunami Causes Damage in Indonesia

mosque is left standing amid the rubble in Banda Aceh
Tsunami Survey Finds Evidence of Astonishing Wave Heights

Photograph of damage at Kalmunai.
Tsunami Deposits

computer model of tsunami
Indian Ocean Tsunami

Sediment burying a coral reef.
Sediment Impacts on Reef Corals

destroyed house
Images and Information About Recent Hurricanes

Eelgrass in Puget Sound

Brian Andrews with the Mini SEABOSS ready for deployment from the research vessel Rafael.
Mapping the South Essex Ocean Sanctuary

Liquid CO2 bubbles
Marianas Submarine Hydrothermal Systems

Kayakers and a sea otter.
Sea-Otter Numbers at Record High

Jodi Harney, Paul Carlson, Guy Cochrane, and Hank Chezar
Benthic Habitats in Glacier Bay

Rick Gmirkin, Tom Reiss, and Cheryl Hapke
Geologic Resources of Hawai'i

John Lisle doing fieldwork in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica.
Microbial Life in Antarctic Lakes

The ROV Ventana being deployed from the research vessel Point Lobos.
Search for Instruments Yields New Data

John Crusius and Eric White prepare gear and vessel for launching in the extreme cold.
Submarine Ground Water in Rhode Island

Jonathan Borden and Steve Ruane reach for the floats at the top of a mooring to start the recovery process.
Turbidity Flows Recorded in Monterey Canyon

Eric Grossman surveying the shallow waters of the near-shore by kayak.
Mapping Hawaiian National Parks

Deployment of oceanographic equipment off the research vessel Dan Moore.
Sediment Transport off South Carolina

 High-resolution topography of a part of Hatteras Island, measured with NASA's EAARL, before and after Hurricane Isabel.
Impacts of Hurricane Isabel

Surveying the beach with ground-penetrating radar
Ancient Landscapes Beneath South Carolina Beaches

Josh Logan and Curt Storlazzi deploy an instrument package.
West Maui Coastal Circulation Experiment

star coral
Scientists Explore What Could Be the Deepest Coral Reef in the Continental United States

California sea otter
California Sea Otter Numbers Are Up for the 2003 Census

bathymetric-surveying waverunners
North Carolina's Outer Banks

Retrieval of the SeaBED Autonomous Undersea Vehicle
Autonomous Vehicle Studies the Sea Floor

Microphotograph of bottom sediment at 9-meter depth off the Chienti River in the Adriatic Sea
Adriatic Sea Instrument Redeployment

U.S. Geological Survey researchers in collaboration with National Park Service archeologists
Monitoring USS Arizona

The SHARQ chamber is designed to isolate water and underlying sea floor for study
Seagrass Restoration in Tampa Bay

chunks of gas hydrate recovered from beneath the floor of the Gulf of Mexico
Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate

seismic-reflection mapping off Southern California
Southern California Offshore Hazards

California sea otters California Sea Otter Numbers Slide for Second Straight Year
Dann Blackwood prepares a small van Veen grab Contaminants Cruise off San Francisco
Gas hyrate research well in northern Canada during logging and coring operations Canadian Arctic Gas-Hydrate Wells
a western snowy plover chick Protecting Shorebirds in Santa Barbara
a diver photographs Honduran coral reefs Coral Reef Health in Honduras U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter

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This page is
Updated October 15, 2008 @ 10:27 AM (JSS)