E-mail Discussion Lists

About E-mail Discussion Lists
An e-mail discussion list is a topical e-mail-based discussion forum. Members use e-mail to discuss a common interest, seek or post information, and share ideas and resources. Once subscribed to a list, messages are sent through the list server to all other subscribers. More information about e-mail lists and communications.

To subscribe to a discussion list hosted by the Resource Center click on a list name below, and then use the “subscribe” link provided with the description. Be sure to reply to the confirmation e-mail and to carefully read and save the welcome message that will be sent once your subscription is established.

National Service Lists Hosted by the Resource Center:

Other Service-Related Lists (not hosted by the Resource Center)

Suspended Lists

Use Guidelines
E-mail discussion lists hosted by the Resource Center are not moderated. Anyone who subscribes may post messages. The lists are supported with federal funding; therefore, messages that appear to be political in nature, partisan, lobbying, or in any way perceived as in violation of the law or against relevant government policy are prohibited.

Other inappropriate postings include, but are not limited to, advertising of fee-based services or products, chain letters, jokes, petitions, resumes, and messages from individuals seeking employment. Job announcements are permitted only for positions at AmeriCorps, Learn and Serve America, and Senior Corps programs; at state commissions; with training and technical assistance providers; and at the Corporation. Announcements of member openings are also permitted. All other job announcements are to be posted elsewhere.

Although the e-mail lists are not moderated, they are monitored. Subscribers who post inappropriate messages will be contacted and may be removed from the list if violations continue.

Inclusion of information in an e-mail discussion list message should not be construed as an endorsement by the Corporation of that information, the person submitting it, or the material submitted. Opinions or points of view expressed in an e-mail discussion list message are those of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect those of the Corporation. Also, the Corporation cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of information contained in non-Corporation websites that are cited in a discussion list message.

The text of a copyrighted article or document may not be reprinted in a list posting or on a website without the permission of the author or publisher. If permission has been granted, it should be so stated: "This article has been reprinted with the permission of ..." Or, rather than reprinting an article that is available online, consider posting a brief abstract and a link to the site. Even when a document is in the public domain or only a small portion is being reproduced, it is a professional courtesy to cite the source.

Advertising Prohibited
Commercial advertising on Corporation-sponsored e-mail discussion lists is prohibited.

Commercial advertising by vendors and other subscribers on Corporation-sponsored discussion lists is defined as posting messages of which the principal purpose is to promote, directly or indirectly, goods or services offered in exchange for money, goods, or services. Inappropriate messages may include, but are not limited to, those that include promotional announcements, product-related press releases, pricing information, or specific referrals to websites or other media to complete sales transactions.

While vendors may respond privately or publicly to postings inquiring about or pertaining to products and services that they offer, their public responses cannot violate the terms in this e-mail discussion list policy. Unsolicited messages containing vendor or product information should not be posted, nor should e-mail addresses be obtained from Resource Center discussion lists for distributing unsolicited commercial messages directly to list subscribers.

For the purposes of this policy, the content of signature files (URLs, slogans, etc.) is not automatically considered advertising, unless it appears that the use of the signature file is intended to subvert the intent of this policy.