U.S. - Mexico Border Environmental Health Initiative (BEHI)


BEHI Description

BEHI Objectives

Maps & Data

   Internet Mapping Service

   Data Download

   Static Map Library

   Data Tables



Acknowledgements & Links

The Border Environmental Health Initiative project success can be attributed to the collaboration and contributions of many agencies. We would like to recognize the following organizations for their involvement and support of this project:

bulletUT Center for Research in Water Resources (CRWR) Rio Grande

bulletUSGS Land Cover Institute

bulletUSGS Seamless Data Distribution System

bulletUSGS National Elevation Dataset

bulletUSGS National Hydrography Dataset

bulletHUD/USGS Web Mapping Colonias Viewer

bulletEnvironmental Protection Agency Border 2012

bulletInstituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI)

bulletINEGI Geography Department

bulletNational System of Environmental and Natural Resource Information (SEMARNAT – SNIARN)

bulletInstituto Nacional de Salud Publica (INSP)

bulletTexas Natural Resource Information System (TNRIS)

bulletDOI US-Mexico Border Field Coordinating Committee (FCC)

bulletSouthwest Consortium for Environmental Research and Policy (SCERP)

bulletComisión Nacional de Agua (CONAGUA)

bulletComisión Internacional de Limites y Aguas (CILA)

bulletInternational Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC)

bulletIBWC Water Monitoring Viewer

bulletNorth American Center for Transborder Studies

bulletEPA San Pedro Basin - Landscape Ecology




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Take Pride in America home page. FirstGov button U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
URL: http://borderhealth.cr.usgs.gov/
Page Contact Information: gs-w-tx_webmaster@usgs.gov
Page Last Modified: January 3, 2011