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Program Contacts

The EMAP-West Steering Committee was established to define the scope and objectives of the EMAP-West studies so that Technical Committees within the Regions and ORD can proceed with more detailed planning based on the Steering Committee guidance.

Steering Committee Members

Steve Hedtke NHEERL - Associate Director for Ecology
Mike McDonald NHEERL - EMAP Director
Jonathan Garber NHEERL - Atlantic Ecology Division
Bill Benson NHEERL - Gulf Ecology Division
Janet Keough NHEERL - Mid-Continent Ecology Division
Karl Hermann Region 8 - Extended Product Responsibility
Janet Hashimoto Region 9 - Water Division
Janis Hastings Region 10 - Office of Environmental Assessment
Gretchen Hayslip Region 10 - Office of Environmental Assessment

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Technical Committee Team Leaders

Steve Paulsen Committee Chair NHEERL - Western Ecology Division
Kevin Summers Coastal NHEERL - Gulf Ecology Division
John Stoddard Surface Waters NHEERL - Western Ecology Division
Dan Heggem Landscapes NERL - ECD
Stephen Hale Info. Management NHEERL - Atlantic Ecology Division

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