Water Resources of the United States—2007 Annual Data Report—Related Information and Publications


Related Information and Publications

Access to USGS Water Data

The USGS provides near real-time stage and discharge data for many of the gaging stations equipped with the necessary telemetry and historic daily mean and peak-flow discharge data for most current or discontinued gaging stations through the World Wide Web (WWW). These data may be accessed from http://water.usgs.gov.

Water-quality data and ground-water data also are available through the WWW. In addition, data can be provided in various machine-readable formats on various media. Information about the availability of specific types of data or products, and user charges, can be obtained locally from each Water Discipline District Office.


Past State Annual Water Data Reports

USGS Water Science Centers—Contact local offices for more detailed information

USGS Offices in Your State

View a Summary of Science in Your State

View the List of Online Water Data Report Citations

Methods used for collecting and analyzing water samples

List of Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations (TWRI) Reports

Annual Water Data Documentation

Special Networks and Programs

Hydrologic Benchmark Program

National Stream Quality Accounting Network

National Trends Network (NTN) for Monitoring Atmospheric Deposition

National Water Quality Assessment Program

National Streamflow Information Program

Accessibility FOIA Privacy Policies and Notices

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URL: http://wdr.water.usgs.gov/wy2007/relatedinfo.html
Page Contact Information: Annual Data Report Team
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