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News: Microsoft Server Bundles Almost Ready
Most Popular:Using Open Source .NET Tools for Sophisticated Builds

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September 26, 2008 - Using SyncToy v2.0 for Web Site Deployment
As well as XCOPY deployment works, it requires that the user be reasonably comfortable using the command line. For users who prefer a GUI, Microsoft recently released a simple utility called SyncToy v2.0 which works well as an alternative to XCOPY or ROBOCOPY. This article covers the basics of obtaining, installing, and using this useful little tool.

September 12, 2008 - Editing .NET Configuration Files Programatically
These days, many .NET developers are taking advantage of the fact that you can quite easily store many of an application's settings in .NET configuration files instead of hard coding them into the application's code. What surprises me is that most of these developers don't even realize that in addition to making it easy to access the values stored in these files, the .NET Framework also makes it quite easy to manipulate these values programatically.

August 21, 2008 - Building an Enhanced ASP.NET GridView Control
The GridView is a great control that allows you to display paginated results. But what happens if you want to change the underlying display for all of your projects? This article shows you how to extend the GridView so that it displays a summary row and allows pagination and sorting in that summary row.

August 7, 2008 - Sharing Controls Across Different Web Sites Without Using DLLs
One of the most frequent gripes programmers have about ASP.NET is that you can't implement include files across multiple web sites like you could in classic ASP. In ASP.NET, Microsoft recommends that you use DLLs to share code, but that can make things more complex then they need to be. This article illustrates how you can simply share source code files in ASP.NET just like you could in classic ASP.

July 24, 2008 - An Introduction to Code Snippets in Visual Studio - Part II
The first part of this article introduced Visual Studio code snippets and showed how they can save you lots of time and typing by reducing the need for you to manually type repetitive code. This installment will examine the .snippet file format and show you how to expand your snippet library by downloading and creating new snippets.

microsoft news for the microsoft developer

Microsoft Tiptoes Ahead on Live Mesh
Microsoft this week broadened its preview of Live Mesh, allowing more users to get an early glimpse of the much-discussed device- and data-synchronization service.

Microsoft to Begin Pushing XP SP3 to Users
Microsoft will begin pushing Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) out via Automatic Updates to users who have not already downloaded it as early as Thursday, the company confirmed.

Microsoft Server Bundles Almost Ready
Microsoft readies two new and updated server bundles designed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

Microsoft Tries Annual Fee in New Office Bundle
A lower-cost, subscription-based Office bundle may be less of an effort to undermine Google Apps and more about promoting Microsoft's OneCare antivirus service.

XP's 'Last Day' Less Final Than Gates'
As Windows XP reaches the end of its commercial life span, it's being replaced by -- Windows XP.

Caching Oracle Data for ASP.NET Applications
Narayan Veeramani shows how ASP.NET developers can improve application performance by caching data stored in an Oracle database and keeping the cached data in sync with the data in the Oracle database.

The Perfect Service - Part 1
The first article in this two-part series shows how to get Ambrose Little's .NET Service Manager running and then how to add plug-n-play services to it using drag-n-drop or XCOPY.

Advanced UI Design Using XML and XSL
Joe Slovinski explains how to use XML and XSL to create a Web-based folder tree. Using XML and XSL makes this tree low maintenance and when transformed on the client can reduce load on your server.

Using Open Source .NET Tools for Sophisticated Builds
Building an application can be more than pressing F5. With an increasing number of quality packages being released, developers for the .NET platform now have options to create a very sophisticated build process. Aaron Junod describes a sample build environment and shows how a number of tools can work together to make reliable, predictable, and value-added builds.

Tracing in .NET and Implementing Your Own Trace Listeners
Mansoor Ahmed Siddiqui explains debugging and tracing and shows how to create custom trace listeners to help ensure hassle-free development.

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