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Teachers from the Institute for Science Instruction and Study Visit the USGS Center in Woods Hole

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Gennaro Frumento, Scott Graves, and 21 middle-school and high-school science teachers
Above: Gennaro Frumento and Scott Graves (second and third from left, back row), coordinators of the Institute for Science Instruction and Study (ISIS), and 21 middle-school and high-school science teachers from Connecticut visit the USGS Woods Hole Science Center to learn about gas hydrates and other areas of USGS research. Photograph by Bill Winters. [larger version]

In what has become a biennial tradition, a group from the Institute for Science Instruction and Study (ISIS) visited the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) center in Woods Hole, MA, on March 12. Gennaro Frumento and Scott Graves, professors in the Science Education and Environmental Studies Department at Southern Connecticut State University and coordinators of the ISIS, brought 21 middle-school and high-school science teachers from throughout Connecticut to tour the center.

Established in 1985, the ISIS is an intense, 2-year, interdisciplinary program aimed at advanced-degree science teachers interested in bringing new discoveries, technologies, and ideas into the classroom. This was the fourth ISIS group to visit the USGS in Woods Hole since 1995. They had a tour of the facility, including a visit to GHASTLI (Gas Hydrate And Sediment Test Laboratory Instrument) and other instrumentation in the Geotechnical Laboratory used by Bill Winters, Bill Waite, Dave Mason, and Lauren Gilbert. The teachers were given a presentation on gas hydrates and USGS gas-hydrate field and laboratory programs. They also viewed video clips of a force-12 storm weathered by the Ocean Drilling Program's JOIDES Resolution and a giant piston-coring program conducted aboard the French Polar Institute's research vessel Marion Dufresne in the Gulf of Mexico (see related Sound Waves article, "Gas Hydrate Studied in the Northern Gulf of Mexico").

The teachers were given numerous fact sheets, teacher's packets, and Web-related handouts. They also enjoyed learning about ongoing gas-hydrate work performed by Debbie Hutchinson, Dave Twichell, Michelle Edwards, and VeeAnn Cross as depicted in hallway posters. Because each of the teachers instructs about 100 to 130 students per day, the information gained during the Woods Hole visit potentially reaches vast numbers of students. We look forward to seeing the next group in 2 more years!

Related Sound Waves Stories
Teachers from the Institute for Science Instruction and Study Visit USGS in Woods Hole
May 2003
Gas Hydrate Studied in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
September 2002
Teachers from the Institute for Science Instruction and Study Visit WHFC
April 2001

Related Web Sites
Woods Hole Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole, MA

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Cover Story:
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Further Investigation of Deep Coral Reef

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Outreach Ground Water Institute for Teachers

ISIS Group Visits USGS Woods Hole

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USGS-NOAA Symposium

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)