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The Challenge

USAID's programs facilitate Peru's internal and international integration. Limited government presence in the highlands and jungle allows illegal coca cultivation, drug trafficking, illegal logging, remnants of terrorism, and HIV/AIDS transmission to flourish. USAID strengthens state presence through programs to reduce coca cultivation and supports interventions in health, education, economic growth, environment, and democracy. Weak democratic institutions and low citizen confidence thwart Peru's ability to adopt critical economic and political reforms. USAID improves the accountability and effectiveness of regional and local governments in the areas affected by illegal drug cultivation. While Peru's economy has outperformed most Latin American economies, 49.5% of Peruvians live in poverty and 18% in extreme poverty. USAID activities lay the foundation for sustained trade-led economic growth and increased market access for micro, small and medium enterprises that help reduce poverty.

Objectives, Sectors and Workforce

Flag of Peru Country Profile Tables

Definitions of Information Contained in the Country Profile Tables

Please note: All linked documents below are in PDF format

Program Budget (Appropriations by Objective) FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07 2005 SO Performance Score Direct SO Admin. Cost Ratio
527-006 Education 2,624 2,475 2,450 2,450 -6.6% 1.26 Exceeded 0.40
527-008 Peru-Ecuador Border Region Development 1,988 1,488 990 1,000 -49.7% 0.53 Not Met 0.16
527-009 Democratic Strengthening 9,385 5,302 3,267 3,740 -60.1% 0.86 Not Met 0.26
527-010 Economic Growth 5,170 3,960 3,648 2,740 -47.0% 1.12 Exceeded 0.57
527-011 Health 17,582 14,756 14,213 12,736 -27.6% 1.02 Met 0.16
527-012 Environment and Natural Resources 4,060 3,509 3,040 3,070 -24.4% 1.09 Met 0.28
527-013 Alternative Development 49,705 51,239 48,510 42,500 -14.5% 0.90 Met 0.08
PL 480 Title II 23,868 6,293 9,009 13,000 -45.5%
Country Total  114,382 89,022 85,127 81,236 -29.0%

Mission Director: Hilda Arellano

MCA Status: Not Eligible
PEPFAR Focus Country: No
Provided or Received Services From Other Missions: Provided

Program Budget (Appropriations by Account) FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07
Andean Counterdrug Initiative  49,705 51,239 48,510 42,500 -14.5%
Child Survival and Health Programs Fund  17,582 14,756 14,213 12,736 -27.6%
Development Assistance  13,786 11,246 9,435 9,000 -34.7%
Economic Support Fund  9,441 5,488 3,960 4,000 -57.6%
PL 480 Title II  23,868 6,293 9,009 13,000 -45.5%
Total  114,382 89,022 85,127 81,236 -29.0%


Program Budget by Sector and Account FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07
Basic Education ACI 0 0 250 250 N/A
DA 2,624 2,475 2,450 2,450 -6.6%
Agriculture and Environment ACI 2,980 2,340 40,850 35,100 1,077.9%
DA 4,060 3,509 3,040 3,070 -24.4%
Higher Education & Training ACI 302 302 0 0 N/A
Economic Growth ACI 42,523 44,697 2,500 2,000 -95.3%
DA 5,170 3,960 2,658 1,740 -66.3%
ESF 1,888 1,488 1,980 2,000 5.9%
Human Rights DA 300 0 0 0 N/A
Democracy and Governance ACI 3,900 3,900 4,160 4,400 12.8%
DA 1,632 1,302 1,287 1,740 6.6%
ESF 7,453 4,000 1,980 2,000 -73.2%
Conflict Management / Humanitarian Assistance ESF 100 0 0 0 N/A
Family Planning / Reproductive Health CSH 8,348 6,898 6,831 5,191 -37.8%
HIV / AIDS CSH 1,000 992 1,584 1,200 20.0%
Child Survival and Maternal Health ACI 0 0 750 750 N/A
CSH 5,450 5,164 4,653 5,200 -4.6%
Vulnerable Children CSH 300 0 0 0 N/A
Other Infectious Diseases CSH 2,484 1,702 1,145 1,145 -53.9%
PL 480 Title II 23,868 6,293 9,009 13,000 -45.5%
Total  114,382 89,022 85,127 81,236 -29.0%


Workforce FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Percent Change FY 04-07
US Direct Hires  18 20 21 21 16.7%
US Non Direct Hires  6 4 4 4 -33.3%
Foreign Nationals  112 96 98 98 -12.5%
Total  136 120 123 123 -9.6%


Operating Expense FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07
Salaries and benefits  3,165 3,048 2,526 2,307 -27.1%
Travel  391 305 260 324 -17.1%
Transportation of things  103 222 228 92 -10.7%
Rent  568 469 419 431 -24.1%
Security  198 160 163 171 -13.6%
Equipment  106 53 157 207 95.3%
ICASS - Operating Expense only  612 614 579 607 -0.8%
Other Operating Expense  535 668 765 661 23.6%
Total OE Budget  5,678 5,539 5,097 4,800 -15.5%
US direct hire salary and benefits 2,776 2,500 2,477 2,744 -1.2%
Program Funded Administrative Expenses           3,927  
Country Total Administrative Budget          11,471
Percent of Bureau OE Total           11.6%


Mission Summary FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007
Program per US Direct Hire ($000) 6,355 4,451 4,054 3,868
Program per All US ($000) 4,766 3,709 3,405 3,249
Program per Position ($000) 841 742 692 660
Operating Expense as % of Program Funding          5.9%
Program Funded Admin Expense as % of Total Admin          34.2%
Total Admin Expense as % of Program Funding          14.1%

Other Major Donors:

Bilateral: Canada, Germany, Japan, Switzerland.

Multilateral: European Union, Pan American Health Organization, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Development Program, World Bank.

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Fri, 02 Jun 2006 16:11:47 -0500