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Where Does USAID’s Money Go?

FrontLines: March 2008

USAID delivered nearly $13 billion in aid during 2007 on programs in more than 100 countries, mainly through the 80 missions placed in countries around the world. The following three charts list the:

  • top 20 recipients of USAID assistance, starting with Afghanistan and ending with Israel
  • top 20 vendors—NGOs and contractors—that carried out the programs managed by USAID
  • program areas from health to counterterrorism that received aid .

FY 2007 Obligations by Program Areas
Health $4,327,988,718
Protection, Assistance and Solutions* 1,637,521,098
Good Governance 1,011,895,268
Infrastructure 705,244,696
Education 627,225,539
Financial Sector Capacity 496,694,057
Agriculture 434,996,618
Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform 397,236,293
Civil Society 364,790,353
Counternarcotics 357,682,852
Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation 350,757,009
Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth 290,232,614
Trade and Investment 276,137,567
Private Sector Competitiveness 274,417,161
Environment 255,161,181
Rule of Law and Human Rights 162,172,494
Political Competition and Consensus-Building 154,755,803
Economic Opportunity 114,710,215
Program Support 107,036,698
Soc. & Econ. Svs. & Protection for Vulnerable Populations 87,397,631
Disaster Readiness 42,659,489
Transnational Crime 18,410,424
Counterterrorism 13,653,264

*Emergency response, including emergency food
Source: M/CFO/FS, data current as of December 25, 2007

Top 20 FY 2007 Benefiting Countries
(Obligated Program Funds)
Afghanistan $1,445,651,383
Iraq 1,243,080,343
Egypt 605,704,157
Pakistan 457,985,585
Sudan 382,486,655
Kenya 289,410,439
Jordan 280,371,000
South Africa 250,096,145
Ethiopia 213,845,722
Uganda 204,219,281
Indonesia 191,936,684
Nigeria 189,219,518
Lebanon 167,416,776
Botswana 159,990,581
Liberia 134,580,726
Haiti 130,911,398
Tanzania 130,252,425
Zambia 127,021,388
Mozambique 125,918,155
Israel 122,950,000

Top 20 2007 Vendors
World Food Program $687,217,890
Global Fund 642,252,952
International Relief and Development 396,182,002
Development Alternatives Inc. 378,219,716
Research Triangle Institute 368,641,028
Louis Berger International Inc. 288,588,913
Chemonics International Inc. 258,354,260
Partnership for Supply Chain Management 208,115,383
Management Systems Intl Inc. 192,747,292
Academy for Educational Development, Inc. 186,196,455
Family Health International 179,656,691
CHF International 145,491,508
National Planning Commission [Nigeria] 131,328,730
PACT Inc. 129,693,156
Bearing Point Inc. 123,600,758
Associates in Rural Development 122,583,006
World Health Organization 117,261,563
John Snow Inc. 109,670,604
CARE Inc. 108,449,858
Ssangyong-Hutama Joint Association 108,247,253

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Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:40:52 -0500