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Significant Operational Compliance (SOC) Performance Measures

EPA and its state partners developed a uniform method for measuring certain aspects of underground storage tank (UST) system operational compliance with release detection and prevention requirements. Below are links to documents which discuss the background of the significant operational compliance effort; reporting requirements; criteria for determining significant operational compliance; matrices; and related matters.

Transmittal Memo, September 30, 2003 (PDF) (4 pp, 66K, About PDF)

Determination Document (6 pp, 19K, About PDF)

Release Prevention Matrix (PDF) (2 pp, 68K, About PDF)

Release Prevention Addendum (PDF) (3 pp, 101K, About PDF)

Release Detection Matrix (PDF) (3 pp, 141K, About PDF)

Release Detection Addendum (PDF) (3 pp, 93K, About PDF)

Significant Operational Compliance data from 2002 to present can be found in the UST Performance Measures.

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