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Report To Congress On A Compliance Plan For The Underground Storage Tank Program

Report To Congress On A Compliance Plan For The Underground Storage Tank Program (PDF) (73 pp, 175K, About PDF) (EPA-510-R-00-001). June 2000.

Congress in its FY2000 Appropriations Committee Conference Report directed the U.S. EPA to prepare and submit to Congress a compliance plan regarding the underground storage tank (UST) program. EPA developed this 70-page report in response to that request. The report presents information and cost estimates necessary to: identify USTs that are not in compliance with Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act; identify USTs in temporary closure; determine the ownership of USTs not in compliance or in temporary closure; determine the plans of owners and operators to bring USTs into compliance or out of temporary closure; and determine how USTs, for which no owner can be identified, will be brought into compliance or closed permanently.

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