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Tsunami Reconstruction Photo Gallery


Indonesia | India | Sri Lanka | Thailand | Tsunami Warning System


Image of houses destructed by tsunami
Destruction of houses in Babah Ie, Banda Aceh, after the tsunami (Photo: USAID/Michael Bak)

Image of rebuilt houses
USAID, in partnership with CHF International, has reconstructed more than 1,000 homes and provided shelter to around 3,000 families who were left homeless by the tsunami.  USAID contributed $11.5 million to the program. (Photo: CHF)

Aerial view of Raba River bridge
Aerial view of Raba River bridge under construction (Photo: USAID/ARRO)

Image of Raba River bridge
Completed Raba River bridge (Photo: USAID/ARRO)

Image of completed bridge
Completed Raba River bridge (Photo: USAID/ARRO)

Image of road severely damaged by tsunami
Road damage in Aceh (Photo: USAID)
Image of road damaged by tsunami
Road damage in Aceh (Photo: USAID)
Image of road damaged in Aceh
Road damage in Aceh (Photo: USAID)
Image of road damaged
Road damage in Aceh (Photo: USAID)

Image of a new road
New road near Pasi Village, Banda Aceh (Photo: USAID/ARRO)
image of a new road
New road near Lhoong, Banda Aceh (Photo: USAID/ARRO)

Image of market damaged in Banda Aceh
Damage to the market in Peunayong, Banda Aceh (January 1, 2005). The market mentioned below is located in the row of buildings on the right-hand side of this picture. (Photo: USAID/Michael Bak)

New market in Peunayong, Banda Aceh (Photo: USAID/Dihya Ihsan)

New market in Peunayong, Banda Aceh (Photo: USAID/Danumurthi Mahendra)

USAID, in a $16 million partnership with Chevron Corporation and the Government of Aceh, is supporting technical education in post-disaster Aceh by building a brand new polytechnic institution to provide degrees in applied technology skills that are in high demand in Aceh and throughout Indonesia. Chevron provided funding for the building, which was completed in August 2008.  USAID, through its partner SwissContact, is equipping the facility, as well as providing administrative and teaching support to create the new institution, called Politeknik Aceh.  The government provided the land. The first class of 240 students, 25 percent of whom are women, began their studies in September 2008 and will study in selected areas of applied technology. (Photo: USAID/Dihya Ihsan)

image of mangrove plants in Indonesia
Naga Umbang mangrove planting in Lokhnga Aceh Besar (Photo: USAID)

Image of coastal region growing new plant life
Coastal rehabilitation in Kuala Meurisi Aceh Jaya (Photo: USAID)


image of children playing on the new playground

Children playing on a playground built by USAID in Nagapattinam, India (January 28, 2007) (Photo: ICMA – Citylinks)

Image of children and ministers in school yard.
The Erke (Nature) Children's Parliament ministers sit in their school yard for their meetings, which start with a song and the reading of the previous meeting's minutes, and focusing on current issues. (Photo: Sunil Lucas/CRS)

Man with fishing boats repaired by USAID (Photo: PCI, Malim Samudram)

Image of woman processing cashews in India

Woman from Nagapattinam processes cashews as a part of USAID’s program to support livelihoods for victims of the tsunami. (Photo: Susan Scott-Vargas)

Image of workers renovating a building
Workers renovate a building for use as a community center for informal learning, health clinics, and community events.  Support for the renovations was provided by USAID.  (Photo: Susan Scott-Vargas)

Image of Paul Mcvey inaugurating a recovery project
Paul Mcvey of USAID New Delhi inaugurates the “individual household toilet project” for Injambakkam, which was funded through the USAID-EXNORA TSUNAMI recovery project. (Photo: USAID)

Image of two Muslim women helping with the construction of a playground

Muslim girls help with the construction of a new playground in Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, after the tsunami.  (Photo: USAID/Anand Rudra)

Sri Lanka

Image of the old bridge and the new bridge
New Arugam Bay bridge (left) next to the old bridge, which was destroyed by the tsunami

Image of the new bridge
New Arugam Bay bridge

Image of local people on the new bridge.
Traffic on the new Arugam Bay bridge

Image of a man and his cow on the new bridge
Man riding on a cart on the new Arugam Bay bridge

Image of three Sri Lankan students learning carpentry
Three young men from southern Sri Lanka learn carpentry skills at the Hikkaduwa Vocational Training Center. (Photo: USAID)

Image of a young Sri Lankan girl sewing
Lakshmi is a participant in the dressmaking class at the Kaluwanchikudy Vocational Training Center in Batticaloa District, Eastern Sri Lanka.  More than 500 people lined up to register for 143 available slots when the new USAID-reconstructed school opened in September 2008. (Photo: USAID)

Image of masonry teacher demontrating to his student
Mr. Ariyarathna is demonstrating new equipment supplied by USAID and partners for the new Hikkaduwa Vocational Training Center to one of his students.  With more than 10 years of experience as a masonry instructor, Mr. Ariyarathna is now looking forward to training his students using the high-quality tools available at the Center. (Photo: USAID)


Image of a learning center from the outside
Kamphuan Community Learning Center

Tsunami Warning System

Image of a USAID IOTWS buoy
IOTWS buoy

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Tue, 28 Oct 2008 16:36:50 -0500