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This is an image of the FMCSA logo


Volume IX


This is a graphic of a truck.



The format for the material contained herein was developed using Presentation

Task Force and Corel Draw, WordPerfect, and Presentations.

The editors of this material and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

make no representation as to the accuracy of the Spanish translation contained

herein. The material contained in this presentation is for general information and

training purposes only. To determine specific regulatory requirements, consult

the most current copy of 49 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 397.

Los redactores de este material y la Administración Federal de Carreteras no

hacen ninguna representación en cuanto a la exactitud de la traducción Española

que se contenga aqui dentro. El material que está contenido en este folleto es

para propósitos de capacitación solamente. Para requisitos específicos, favor de

leer 49 Código de Reglamentos Federales Parte 397.






This is an image of a marked container


This is an image of explosive warning sign


The rules in this part apply to each motor carrier engaged in the transportation of

hazardous materials by a motor vehicle which must be marked or placarded in

accordance with 49 CFR Part 172. The rules in this part apply to each officer or

employee who performs supervisory duties related to the transportation of

hazardous materials or drives the vehicle containing the hazardous materials.


Must comply with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations

This is an image of forms


A motor carrier or other person to which this Part applies must comply with the

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations 49 CFR Parts 390-397 inclusive when

he/she is transporting hazardous materials requiring placarding or marking.


State Laws

This is an image of an officer directing traffic


Every motor vehicle containing hazardous materials must be driven and parked

in compliance with the laws, ordinances, and regulations of the jurisdiction in

which it is being operated, unless they are at variance with specific regulations of

the Department of Transportation which are applicable to the operation of that

vehicle and which impose a more stringent obligation or restraint.


Attendance & Surveillance

1.2, 1.2, 1.3 must be attended

This is an image of a man and a truck


A motor vehicle which contains Division 1.1, 1.2, and or 1.3 (explosive) material

must be attended at all times by its driver or a qualified representative of the

motor carrier.

Attendance & Surveillance

There is an exception to the attendance requirements for Division 1.1, 1.2, and or

1.3 (explosive) material if all of the following conditions are met: (1)the

explosives are on the carriers property, (2) on the property of the shipper or

consignee, (3) in a Asafe haven,@ (4) contains 50 pounds or less on a construction


The lawful bailee (one to whom the explosives are entrusted) is aware of the

nature of the explosives and the expolives are within his unobstructed view

A motor vehicle which contains hazardous materials other than Division 1.1, 1.2,

and or 1.3 (explosive) material which is located on a public street or highway or

the shoulder must be attended by its driver. The driver may perform duties

necessary for the operation of the vehicle.


Attendance & Surveillance

A Motor Vehicle is attended if the "Person" is:

A motor vehicle is attended if the person in charge of the motor vehicle is either

on the vehicle, but not in the sleeper berth, and awake or is within a hundred feet

of the vehicle and has it within his/her unobstructed view. The person in charge

may be the driver or another qualified representative of the motor carrier.

A qualified representative of the motor carrier is an individual who:

-Has been designated by the motor carrier to attend the vehicle

-Has been made aware of the nature of the hazardous materials on the


-Has been instructed in emergency procedures

-Is authorized to move the vehicle and has the means to do so.

Attendance & Surveillance

A "Safe Haven" is an area specifically approved in writing by:


A ASafe Haven@ must be approved in writing by a Local, State, or Federal government



Must not be parked:

Motor vehicles transporting Division 1.1, 1.2, and /or 1.3 materials must not be


(1) On or within 5 ft of the traveled portion of a public road or highway.

(2) On private property without the knowledge and permission of the property


(3) Within 300 ft of a bridge, tunnel, dwelling or place where people work.


Must not be Parked:

On or within 5ft of the traveled portion of a public road or highway except for brief periods for operational necessity when it is impractical to park elsewhere

Motor vehicles transporting all other hazardous materials must not be parked:

(1) On or within 5 ft of the traveled portion of a public road or highway except

for brief periods for operational necessity.






This is an image of the words FIRE surronded by flames


Motor vehicles transporting hazardous materials must not be operated near an

open fire unless the driver has taken precautions to insure that the vehicle can

safely pass the fire without stopping.


Motor vehicles transporting hazardous materials must not be parked within 300

feet of an open fire.


This is animage of a No Smoking Sign


No person may smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar, or pipe within 25 feet


(1) A motor vehicle transporting Class 1materials, Class 5 materials, or

flammable materials classified as Division 2.1, Class 3, Division 4.1 and 4.2., or

(2) An empty tank motor vehicle which has been used to transport Class 3

materials or Division 2.1 materials that were required to be placarded.




This is animage of a gas pump with a No Smoking Sign


When a motor vehicle transporting hazardous materials is being fueled

- The vehicle engine must not be operating

- The person fueling the vehicle must be in control of the fueling process at the

point where the fuel tank is filled



This is an image of a tire


Drivers operating motor vehicles transporting hazardous materials equipped with

dual tires on any axle must check the tires:

(1) Every 2 hours or 100 miles whichever occurs first.

(2) At the beginning of every trip

(3) Each time the vehicle is parked

The driver when making these checks must comply with the rules in 49 CFR

397.5 and 397.7

Tires that are found to be flat, leaking, or improperly inflated shall be repaired

before the vehicle is driven. However the vehicle may be driven to the nearest

safe place in order to effect repairs.

Tires that are found to be overheated will be immediately removed and placed at

a safe distance from the motor vehicle. The driver shall not operate the vehicle

until the source of overheating is corrected.


Instructions and Documents

A motor carrier that transports Division 1.1,1.2, and/or Division 1.3 materials

must furnish the driver with:

(1) copy of the rules in Part 397

(2) emergency instructions including telephone numbers of individuals to

notify, the nature of the explosives, and the precautions to be taken in case

of fires, accidents or leakage.

The driver must sign a receipt for these documents and this receipt must be kept

on file for 1 year from the date of signature.

The driver must be familiar with these documents and they must be in his

possession. In addition the driver must have a copy of a written route plan that

complies with 49 CFR 397.67.



Motor Carrier Responsibility for Routing

For Non Radioactive Hazardous Materials ( NRHM) must comply with State

and Indian Tribe NRHM routing

Placarded and Marked vehicles that are not subject to NRHM from either a State

or Indian Tribe must avoid heavily populated areas, tunnels, etc. Deviations are

allowed where no practical alternative exists or to reach terminals, rest and

fueling stops, etc. Deviations for operating convenience are not allowed.

Division 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 materials must have a written route plan



Requirements for Motor Carriers and Drivers

This is an image of a Radioactive sign

Motor carriers transporting and drivers who operate motor vehicles containing

Class 7 material requiring placarding must

1 Operate these vehicles on routes that minimize risk

2 Highway Route Controlled Quantities (HRCQ) Class 7 material must use

preferred route

3 Deviation from preferred routes only under certain circumstances

4 HRCQ Class 7 material must have a written route plan with a copy

provided to the driver and the shipper.

5 Additional training requirements

6 Reports to FMCSA are required for shipments of HRCQ Class 7 material