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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: The INFO Project

Your knowledge-sharing resource on family planning and reproductive health

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What is the INFO Project?

The INFO Project, based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's Center for Communication Programs, envisions a world of interconnected communities where shared reproductive health information improves and saves lives. Our mission is to support health care decision-making in developing countries by providing global leadership in reproductive health knowledge management. Through collaborative approaches and the innovative use of sustainable technology, we:

  • Inform those who influence and improve health care and public health,
  • Enhance the capacity of communities and organizations to obtain, adapt, and generate knowledge and best practices, and
  • Connect communities, organizations, and individuals locally and globally to facilitate knowledge sharing and dialogue.

The project receives support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).


The INFO Project works to achieve the following results:

  • Identify, synthesize, and make available information on useful and best approaches and findings in reproductive health and related topics.
  • Enhance local capacity to serve local information needs.
  • Strengthen South-South and South-North knowledge communities and networks.


  • Health care practitioners, who need accurate, evidence-based research to improve clinical practice and outcomes.
  • Policy-makers, health officials, and program managers, who seek to base policy and programs on best findings.
  • Teachers and trainers of service providers, who require information in a format that can be easily adapted for local settings.
  • Donors, who must make tough choices about limited resources.
  • Academics and researchers, who contribute to and draw from a global body of knowledge.

Areas of Expertise

  • Consensus-based knowledge generation: INFO works with health organizations worldwide to build agreement on the latest evidence-based research and guidance to be disseminated to public health practitioners, policymakers, trainers, program managers, researchers, and other specialists.
  • Cutting-edge knowledge synthesis: INFO's technical and information specialists work to capture and organize the latest thinking, research, and data on global health topics providing accessible content, tools, job-aids, and other resources that can easily be put into practice in developing countries.
  • Innovative knowledge delivery: INFO develops products, applications, and services that enable their users to quickly and easily find the best and most updated information and strengthen information flows among South-to-South partners as well as South-to-North Partners.

Field-Based Projects

  • Sehetna—New award-winning Jordan Health portal in Arabic.
  • SHARE Portal (Southeast Asia HIV/AIDS Resource Exchange)—A collaboration portal, representing the HIV/AIDS community in Southeast Asia, provides both a public and private space for the community to network effectively.

Knowledge Management

Best Practices

Networks and Communities

The INFO Project provides support to networks and communities in family planning and reproductive health—Hosts online forums, maintains existing e-mail discussion groups, and publishes e-newsletters.

INFO Project Software Toolkit

The INFO Project Software Toolkit—Software and procedures for hosting and managing web sites, databases, e-mail lists, search engines, and blogs.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this web site is not official U.S. Government information and does not represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Government or The Johns Hopkins University.