USGS Publications Warehouse

Unverified Reports

Unverified citations This report lists any unverfied citations in the Publications Warehouse. Unverified citations are citations for any publication where there was some information about the publication available but that information could not be confirmed, the publication itself has not been found, and we are not sure if the publication was actually released. Many of the unverified reports were found referenced by other publications as "in press".

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Publication Series NameReport NumberPublication TitlePublication YearAuthorStatus
Water Supply Paper2287Hydrologic reconnaissance of the Chilkat River basin, southeast Alaska, with special reference to the Bald Eagle Critical Habitat at the Tsirku River alluvial fan-Bugliosi, Edward F.UNVERIFIED
Water Supply Paper2354-CSurface-water quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin in Washington: analysis of major and minor elements in fine-grained streambed sediment, 1987, with sections on geologic overview and geologic classification of low-order stream sampling sites1994Fuhrer, G. J.; McKenzie, S. W.; Rinella, J. F.; Sanzolone, R.F.; Skach, K. A.UNVERIFIED
Water Supply Paper2354-DSurface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin in Washington -- Spatial and temporal distribution of trace elements in water, sediment, and aquatic biota, 1987-91-Fuhrer, G. J.UNVERIFIED
Water Supply Paper2423Geomorphic and vegetative recovery processes along modified stream channels of west Tennessee1993Simon, A.UNVERIFIED
Water Supply Paper2426-AAvailability of ground water and geochemistry of iron in a dune-sand aquifer near Coos Bay and North Bend, Oregon -- Ground-water availability-Jones, M. A.UNVERIFIED
Water Supply Paper2426-BAvailability of ground water and geochemistry of iron in a dune-sand aquifer near Coos Bay and North Bend, Oregon -- Geochemistry of iron-Bortleson, G. C.UNVERIFIED
Water Supply Paper2426-CAvailability of ground water and geochemistry of iron in a dune-sand aquifer near Coos Bay and North Bend, Oregon -- Sources and causes of dissolved iron-Bortleson, G. C.UNVERIFIED
Water Supply Paper2443Effects of ground-water chemistry and flow on the quality of drainflow in the western San Joaquin Valley, California-Fio, John L.; Leighton, David A.UNVERIFIED
Water Supply Paper2454Contamination of ground water, surface water, and soil and evaluation of selected ground-water pumping alternatives in the Canal Creek area of Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland-Lorah, Michelle M.; Clark, Jeffrey S.UNVERIFIED
Water Supply Paper2462Ground-water resources of Rhode Island1995Trench, Elaine C. ToddUNVERIFIED
Water Supply Paper2467Geohydrologic framework, historical development of the ground-water system and general hydrologic and water-quality condiitons in 1990, south San Francisco Bay and peninsula area, California1995Fio, John L.; Leighton, David A.UNVERIFIED
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