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Envelope Contact Global Health

Key Achievements in Tuberculosis: Fiscal Year (FY) 2001

Applied DOTS Research in Brazil

Over the last two years, USAID, in partnership with the Gorgas Memorial Institute, has conducted applied research to adapt the directly observed treatment, short course (DOTS) approach for use in Brazil. The program has achieved an 84 percent treatment success rate in a rural area adjoining Rio de Janeiro, a significant achievement in a country with a 40 percent default rate of treatment completion. In 2002, this model program will expand to other parts of Rio de Janeiro.

Battling Multidrug-Resistant TB

USAID is working with WHO, the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease, and the Gorgas Institute on surveys of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) in Cambodia, India, and Morocco. The survey results will be used to monitor the effectiveness of DOTS programs and prevent the further emergence of MDR-TB.

Developing a Rapid TB Diagnostic

USAID supported the development of a simple diagnostic test for rapid diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis disease. In 2002, the diagnostic will be evaluated in well-controlled prospective field trials in several sites in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Eurasia.

Expanded TB Efforts in Eastern Europe and Eurasia

During the last five years, USAID has expanded its TB efforts in 11 countries in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, including Russia, the Central Asia Republics, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Kosovo. A USAID-supported treatment and control program in two Russian districts demonstrated the use of DOTS as an effective TB control strategy. In Orel district, a six-month trial achieved an 88 percent treatment success rate in new TB patients and a 60 percent success rate in re-treatment patients. In Ivanovo district, a study investigating treatment failure determined that in addition to MDR-TB, treatment interruption was a major cause of concern. Other achievements include comprehensive training of more than 20 physicians in Latvia in treating MDR-TB.

Global TB Drug Facility Country Assessments

USAID participated in GDF country assessments in Moldova, Tajikistan, Kenya, and Uganda. Recommendations for improving systems performance were developed to help ensure that drugs procured under the GDF will reach patients as intended.

Private-Sector TB Control

In order to expand the use of DOTS in high-burden countries, USAID is beginning to explore ways to improve the quality of TB control in the private sector. With USAID support, CDC and the Philippines Coalition against Tuberculosis have begun developing model programs to improve private-sector TB treatment.

STOP TB in Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines

With USAID support, the STOP TB Initiative in WHO’s Western Pacific Region helped Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Philippines expand their TB control efforts. USAID provided technical support for developing five-year strategic plans and budgets for TB control; monitoring DOTS implementation; developing approaches to address HIV/TB co-infection; monitoring the quality of TB drugs; and strengthening drug supply management.

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