General Statistics - Summary - Annual Summary Statistics for U.S. DOT Active Motor Carriers and Summary Statistics

This report presents summary statistics on census data for U.S. DOT active motor carriers and summary statistics based on safety event data. The census information section includes data on interstate and HM intrastate motor carriers with an active U.S. DOT number and Mexican carriers with OP-2 authority to operate in the commercial zone. The safety event data includes roadside inspection activity by inspection type (driver, vehicle, and Hazardous Material (HM)) and OOS rates, compliance review, and safety rating information, traffic enforcement violation data, and crash data for commercial motor vehicles. This safety event data includes carriers with interstate and intrastate operations, generally. Crash data for fatalities and injuries for individual domiciles may not sum to the total presented for All Domiciles due to the possibility of dual reporting of data if a crash occurs between carriers from more than one domicile.

Data Filtering Options:

The data can be presented by all vehicle types or by selection of passenger or HM vehicle types.
The data can be presented by calendar year by using the pull down menu.

General Statistics - Summary Domicile - Summary Statistics for U.S. DOT Active Motor Carriers and Summary Statistics

This report presents summary statistics on census data for U.S. DOT active motor carriers and summary statistics based on safety event data. The census information section includes data on interstate and HM intrastate motor carriers with an active U.S. DOT number and Mexican carriers with OP-2 authority to operate in the commercial zone. The safety event data includes roadside inspection activity by inspection type (driver, vehicle, and Hazardous Material (HM)) and OOS rates, compliance review, and safety rating information, traffic enforcement violation data, and crash data for commercial motor vehicles. This safety event data includes data from carriers with interstate and intrastate operations. Crash data for fatalities and injuries for individual domiciles may not sum to the total presented for All Domiciles due to the possibility of dual reporting of data if a crash occurs between carriers from more than one domicile.

Data Filtering Option:

The data can be stratified by selecting from the two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by carrier domicile ('All', 'U.S.', 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').

General Statistics –Summary – US and Mexican Carrier Report – Comparison of Inspection and Crash Statistics for US and Mexican Carriers

This report presents summary comparison statistics based on inspection and crash data for US and Mexican domiciled carriers. Note that this inspection activity reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for the carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection or the crash.

Data for US domiciled carriers includes all national inspection and crash data. The data for two types of Mexican carriers are included here: "Mexican Domiciled Carriers with Limited Authority Beyond the Commercial Zone" and "Mexican Domiciled Carriers in the Commercial Zone". Data for Mexican domiciled carriers with limited authority beyond the commercial zone is based on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's most recent carrier list of 1,336 carriers as of 2007. Inspection and crash data for carriers with limited authority beyond the commercial zone may have occurred in the commercial zone or beyond. Data for Mexican domiciled carriers in the commercial zone excludes the data of those carriers with limited authority beyond the commercial zone.

Data Filtering Option:

The data can be presented by all vehicle types or by selection of passenger or HM vehicle types.

General Statistics-Border Data-Border Crossing Summary
Number of Incoming Border Crossings by State Port of Entry

This report presents data and statistics on border traffic. Data on inbound border traffic is collected by the U.S. Customs Service and provided to the U.S. DOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics on a monthly basis. The U.S. Customs Service does not collect comparable data on outbound vehicles. Each state and port of entry shows the number of incoming border crossings and the percent of total crossing traffic. Note that both the number of crossings and the percent of total crossings change based on the data filtering option selected.

Data Filtering Options:

The data can be presented by calendar year using the pull down menu.
The data can be further stratified by selecting from the two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by border (U.S.-Canada border, U.S.-Mexico Border, or All Border States). The second button allows for stratification by type of incoming border traffic (truck, bus, or both).

General Statistics-Border Data-Border Maps
Border Crossing Detail Report

This report presents data and statistics on border traffic and trade for a specific port of entry. Data on inbound border traffic is collected by the U.S. Customs Service and provided to the U.S. DOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics on a monthly basis. The U.S. Customs Service does not collect comparable data on outbound vehicles. A port of entry is selected by first selecting a border state from the pull down menu. Once the submit button has been clicked, a graphic of that particular state appears. Next a port of entry is selected by clicking on the desired port. The data table presents the number of incoming truck and bus crossings and incoming truck and bus border crossings as a percent of border traffic for the state, the U.S-Mexico or U.S.-Canada (as applicable), and all border states. The data table also presents import and export dollars for trade with both Canada and Mexico.

General Statistics-Border Data-Border Comparisons

These reports present data and statistics on border traffic and trade for a user defined selection of ports, states, and or nothern/sourthern borders. The user is taken through a process to select only those ports of entry, states, and/or borders that they are interested in. From there the user can select any number of report options related to border crossing and trade data. The report options include data tables that present the number of incoming truck and/or bus crossings. The report options alson include data tables that present import and export dollars for trade with both Canada and Mexico.

Program Measures - Roadside Inspections - Inspection Statistics - Annual Summary Summary of Roadside Inspections
Summary of Roadside Inspections Conducted on U.S. DOT Active Motor Carriers

This report presents a summary of roadside inspection activity for vehicles operated by interstate and intrastate motor carriers. Note that this inspection activity reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Data is presented for all inspections and by inspection type along with OOS Rates. Domicile information for the carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection.

Data Filtering Options:

The data is presented according to the calendar year selected by the pull down menu.
The data can be presented by all vehicle types or by selection of passenger or HM vehicle types.

Program Measures - Roadside Inspections - Inspection Statistics - Annual Summary
Summary of Roadside Inspections

This report presents a summary of roadside inspection activity for vehicles operated by interstate and intrastate motor carriers. Note that this inspection activity reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Data is presented for all inspections and by inspection type along with OOS Rates. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection.

Data Filtering Options:

The data can be stratified by selecting from two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by domicile ('All', 'U.S.", 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').

Program Measures - Roadside Inspections - Inspection Statistics - Inspection Level, by Year
Roadside Inspections by Inspection Level

This report presents a summary of roadside inspection activity by inspection Level (I-VI) along with vehicle and driver OOS rates for vehicles operated by interstate and intrastate motor carriers. Note that this inspection activity reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection.

Data Filtering Options:

The data is presented according to the calendar year selected by the pull down menu.
The data can be presented by all vehicle types or by selection of passenger or HM vehicle types.

Program Measures - Roadside Inspections - Inspection Statistics - Inspection Level, by Domicile
Roadside Inspections by Inspection Level

This report presents a summary of roadside inspection activity by inspection Level (I-VI) along with vehicle and driver OOS rates for vehicles operated by interstate and intrastate motor carriers. Note that this inspection activity reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection.

Data Filtering Options:

The data can be stratified by selecting from two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by domicile ('All', 'U.S.", 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').

Program Measures - Roadside Inspections - Violations- Top 10 Driver OOS Violations
Top 10 Driver OOS Violations

This report presents a summary of driver inspection activity for vehicles operated by interstate and intrastate motor carriers. Data is presented for all driver inspections (based on inspection Levels I, II, III and VI), driver inspections with OOS violations, driver OOS rates, (calculated using inspection Levels I, II, III and VI), the number of driver OOS violations, and the top ten driver OOS violations. Note that this inspection activity reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection. The top ten driver OOS violations are for the domicile selected by the radio buttons. The column for the selected domicile will be highlighted in gray. Selecting a vehicle type does not change the top 10 list; it only limits the carrier pool used in calculating the percentages.

Data Filtering Options:

The data is presented according to the calendar year selected by the pull down menu.
The data can be stratified by selecting from two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by domicile ('All', 'U.S.", 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').

Program Measures - Roadside Inspections - Violations- Top 10 Vehicle OOS Violations
Top 10 Vehicle OOS Violations

This report presents a summary of vehicle inspection activity for vehicles operated by interstate and intrastate motor carriers. Data is presented for all vehicle inspections (based on inspection Levels I, II, V and VI), vehicle inspections with OOS violations, vehicle OOS rates, (calculated using inspection Levels I, II, V and VI), the number of vehicle OOS violations, and the top ten vehicle OOS violations. Note that this inspection activity reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection. The top ten vehicle OOS violations are for the domicile selected by the radio buttons. The column for the selected domicile will be highlighted in gray. Selecting a vehicle type does not change the top 10 list; it only limits the carrier pool used in calculating the percentages.

Data Filtering Options:

The data is presented according to the calendar year selected by the pull down menu.
The data can be stratified by selecting from two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by domicile ('All', 'U.S.', 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').

Program Measures - Roadside Inspections - Violations- Top 10 HM OOS Violations
Top 10 HM OOS Violations

This report presents a summary of hazardous material (HM) inspection activity for vehicles operated by interstate and intrastate motor carriers. Data is presented for all HM inspections (based on inspection levels I, II, III and VI when HM is present), HM inspections with OOS violations, HM OOS rates, (calculated using inspection levels I, II, III and VI when HM is present), the number of HM OOS violations, and the top ten HM OOS violations. Note that this inspection activity reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection. The top ten HM OOS violations are for the domicile selected by the radio buttons. The column for the selected domicile will be highlighted in gray. Selecting a vehicle type does not change the top 10 list; it only limits the carrier pool used in calculating the percentages.

Data Filtering Options:

The data is presented according to the calendar year selected by the pull down menu.
The data can be stratified by selecting from two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by domicile ('All', 'U.S.", 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').

Program Measures - Roadside Inspections – Commercial Zone - Annual Summary of Roadside Inspections in Commercial Zone

This report presents a summary of roadside inspection activity for vehicles operated by motor carriers in the commercial zone. Note that this inspection activity reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Data is presented for all inspections and by inspection type along with OOS Rates. Domicile information for the carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection. Data is presented in tables by the total for all states and a table for each state that the inspections occurred in. A break down of federal and state inspections is also provided.

Data Filtering Options:

The data is presented according to the calendar year selected by the pull down menu.
The data can be presented by all vehicle types or by selection of passenger or HM vehicle types.

Program Measures - Roadside Inspections – Commercial Zone - Domicile Summary of Roadside Inspections in the Commercial Zone

This report presents a summary of roadside inspection activity for vehicles operated by motor carriers in the commercial zone. Note that this inspection activity reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Data is presented for all inspections and by inspection type along with OOS Rates. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection. Data is presented in tables by the total for all states and a table for each state that the inspections occurred in. A break down of federal and state inspections is also provided.

Data Filtering Options:

The table will display four quarters of data based on the year and quarter selected using the pull down menus. The data can be further stratified by selecting from the two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by carrier domicile ('All', 'U.S.', 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').

Program Measures - Roadside Inspections – Commercial Zone - Inspection Level, by Year

This report presents a summary of roadside inspection activity by inspection Level (I-VI) along with vehicle and driver OOS rates for vehicles operated by motor carriers in the commercial zone. Note that this inspection activity reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection. Data is presented in tables by the total for all states and a table for each state that the inspections occurred in. A break down of federal and state inspections is also provided.

Data Filtering Options:

The data is presented according to the calendar year selected by the pull down menu.
The data can be presented by all vehicle types or by selection of passenger or HM vehicle types.

Program Measures - Roadside Inspections – Commercial Zone - Inspection Level, by Domicile

This report presents a summary of roadside inspection activity by inspection Level (I-VI) along with vehicle and driver OOS rates for vehicles operated by motor carriers in the commercial zone. Note that this inspection activity reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection. Data is presented in tables by the total for all states and a table for each state that the inspections occurred in. A break down of federal and state inspections is also provided.

Data Filtering Options:

The data can be stratified by selecting from two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by domicile ('All', 'U.S.", 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').

Program Measures - Compliance Reviews - Annual Summary
Compliance Reviews

This report presents a breakdown of safety ratings as the result of all federal and state compliance reviews conducted on interstate and intrastate carriers. All compliance reviews account for in this report have been processed at the state level and entered into the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). The reported compliance review activity is based on the compliance review date (the date the review was conducted) as opposed to the date a safety rating was issued. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the compliance review.

Data Filtering Options:

The data is presented according to the calendar year selected by the pull down menu.
The data can be presented by all vehicle types or by selection of passenger or HM vehicle types.

Program Measures - Compliance Reviews - Domicile Summary
Compliance Reviews

This report presents a breakdown of safety ratings as the result of all federal and state compliance reviews conducted on interstate and intrastate carriers. All compliance reviews account for in this report have been processed at the state level and entered into the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). The reported compliance review activity is based on the compliance review date (the date the review was conducted) as opposed to the date a safety rating was issued. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the compliance review.

Data Filtering Options:

The table will display four quarters of data based on the year and quarter selected using the pull down menus. The data can be further stratified by selecting from the two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by carrier domicile ('All', 'U.S.', 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').

Program Measures - Traffic Enforcement - Activity Summary - Annual Summary
Roadside Inspections Resulting from Traffic Enforcements

This report presents a summary of the number of roadside inspections that had traffic enforcement violations. Additionally, the numbers of driver and vehicle inspections are provided along with the corresponding number of OOS inspections and the OOS rate. Note that this activity summary reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection.

Data Filtering Options:

The data is presented according to the calendar year selected by the pull down menu.
The data can be presented by all vehicle types or by selection of passenger or HM vehicle types.

Program Measures - Traffic Enforcement - Activity Summary - Domicile Summary
Roadside Inspections Resulting from Traffic Enforcements

This report presents a summary of the number of roadside inspections that had traffic enforcement violations. Additionally, the numbers of driver and vehicle inspections are provided along with the corresponding number of OOS inspections and the OOS rate. Note that this activity summary reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection.

Data Filtering Options:

The data can be stratified by selecting from the two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by carrier domicile ('All', 'U.S.', 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').

Program Measures - Traffic Enforcement - Traffic Violations Summary - Annual Summary
Traffic Enforcement Violation Summary

This report presents a breakdown of roadside inspection traffic enforcement activity by violation type: specified or unspecified. The Traffic Enforcement program is based on the enforcement of nineteen moving and non-moving driver violations, which are included in the driver violation portion of the roadside-inspection procedures. Only those traffic enforcements that initiate a subsequent roadside inspection are included in the MCSAP program. If a roadside inspection results in only a drug or alcohol-related violation, then it is excluded as a traffic enforcement-type inspection. Note that this summary reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection.

Data Filtering Options:

The data is presented according to the calendar year selected by the pull down menu.
The data can be presented by all vehicle types or by selection of passenger or HM vehicle types.

Program Measures - Traffic Enforcement - Traffic Violations Summary - Domicile Summary
Traffic Enforcement Violation Summary

This report presents a breakdown of Roadside Inspection Traffic Enforcement activity by violation type: specified or unspecified. The Traffic Enforcement program is based on the enforcement of 19 moving and non-moving driver violations, which are included in the driver violation portion of the roadside-inspection procedures. Only those traffic enforcements that initiate a subsequent roadside inspection are included in the MCSAP program. If a roadside inspection results in only a drug or alcohol-related violation, then it is excluded as a traffic enforcement-type inspection. Note that this summary reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection.

Data Filtering Options:

The data can be stratified by selecting from the two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by carrier domicile ('All', 'U.S.', 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').

Program Measures - Traffic Enforcement - Traffic Violations Detail - Annual Summary
Traffic Enforcement Violation Detail

This report presents a breakdown of Roadside Inspection Traffic Enforcement Activity by violation for each of the 19 violations covered under the Traffic Enforcement Program. Only those traffic enforcements that initiate a subsequent roadside inspection are included in the MCSAP program. If a roadside inspection results in only a drug or alcohol-related violation, then it is excluded as a traffic enforcement-type inspection. Note that this summary reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection.

Data Filtering Options:

The data is presented according to the calendar year selected by the pull down menu.
The data can be presented by all vehicle types or by selection of passenger or HM vehicle types

Program Measures - Traffic Enforcement - Traffic Violations Detail - Domicile Summary
Traffic Enforcement Violation Detail

This report presents a breakdown of Roadside Inspection Traffic Enforcement Activity by violation for each of the 19 violations covered under the Traffic Enforcement program. Only those traffic enforcements that initiate a subsequent roadside inspection are included in the MCSAP program,. If a roadside inspection results in only a drug or alcohol-related violation, then it is excluded as a traffic enforcement-type inspection. Note that this summary reflects activity irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided at the time of the inspection.

Data Filtering Options:

The data can be stratified by selecting from the two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by carrier domicile ('All', 'U.S.', 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').

Carrier Safety Performance - Crash - Annual Summary
Summary of Crashes

This report presents summary crash statistics of fatal and non-fatal crashes for commercial motor vehicles operated by interstate and intrastate carriers. Data is also presented for commercial motor vehicles involved in non-fatal injury crashes and total injuries for both fatal and non-fatal crashes. Note that this summary reflects crash data irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided for the carrier at the time of the crash.

Data Filtering Options:

The data is presented according to the calendar year selected by the pull down menu.
The data can be presented by all vehicle types or by selection of passenger or HM vehicle types.

Carrier Safety Performance - Crash - Domicile Summary
Summary of Crashes

This report presents summary crash statistics of fatal and non-fatal crashes for commercial motor vehicles operated by interstate and intrastate carriers. Data is also presented for commercial motor vehicles involved in non-fatal injury crashes and total injuries for both fatal and non-fatal crashes. Note that this summary reflects crash data irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided for the carrier at the time of the crash. Crash data for fatalities and injuries for individual domiciles may not sum to the total presented for All Domiciles due to the possibility of dual reporting of data if a crash occurs between carriers from more than one domicile.

Data Filtering Options:

The data can be further stratified by selecting from the two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by carrier domicile ('All', 'U.S.', 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').

Carrier Safety Performance - Crash - Summary by State
Summary of Crashes by State

This report presents the number of fatal and non-fatal crashes by state for commercial motor vehicles operated by interstate and intrastate carriers. Note that this summary reflects crash data irrespective of whether a motor carrier was considered to have an active U.S. DOT number at the time of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) snapshot date. Domicile information for a carrier is based on the domicile information provided for the carrier at the time of the crash. Crash data for fatalities and injuries for individual domiciles may not sum to the total presented for All Domiciles due to the possibility of dual reporting of data if a crash occurs between carriers from more than one domicile.

Data Filtering Options:

The data can be stratified by selecting from the two radio buttons. The first radio button allows for stratification by carrier domicile ('All', 'U.S.', 'Mexico', or 'Canada') and the second allows for stratification by vehicle type ('All', 'Passenger', 'HM').