Summary Statistics for U.S. DOT Active Motor Carriers
Motor Carrier Census Data All Domiciles U.S. Mexico Canada
transparent imageActive Carriers with U.S. DOT Number 732,065694,57914,80422,682
transparent imagePower Units 4,838,1394,655,64944,760137,730
transparent imageCommercial Drivers 5,143,2944,958,70936,905147,680
transparent imageCarriers with OP-2 Authority 7,254N/A7,254N/A
transparent imagePower Units 28,877N/A28,877N/A
transparent imageCommercial Drivers 25,953N/A25,953N/A

Summary Statistics
Roadside Inspections All Domiciles U.S. Mexico Canada
transparent imageInspections 2,538,4512,323,748139,63475,069
transparent imageDriver Inspections 2,424,2252,210,088139,61874,519
transparent imageDriver OOS Rate* 6.5%6.9%1.3%6.2%
transparent imageVehicle Inspections 1,756,4911,594,157124,25338,081
transparent imageVehicle OOS Rate* 22.5%22.8%21.0%14.2%
transparent imageHM Inspections 145,728138,5084,1943,026
transparent imageHM OOS Rate* 5.2%5.2%4.0%5.5%
transparent imageCVSA Decals 481,971438,14730,38513,439
Compliance Reviews
transparent imageCompliance Reviews 11,56711,27397197
transparent imageSatisfactory 6,8326,63460138
transparent imageConditional 2,3072,2561635
transparent imageUnsatisfactory 37836486
transparent imageNot Rated 2,0502,0191318
Traffic Enforcements
transparent imageMoving Violations201,132194,3811926,559
transparent imageDrug and Alcohol1,6741,610262
transparent imageRailroad Crossing32532311
transparent imageMiscellaneous500,176488,2053,7268,245
Commercial Motor Vehicles Crashes
Number of Commercial Motor Vehicles involved in:
transparent imageCrashes81,87280,623391,210
transparent imageFatal Crashes2,2302,203225
transparent imageNon-Fatal Crashes79,64278,420371,185
transparent imageInjury Crashes32,36031,99817345
transparent imageTowaway Crashes47,28246,42220840
Number of:
transparent imageFatalities2,3762,346426
transparent imageInjuries47,71547,22126468

Data Source: FMCSA Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) September 26, 2008 snapshot. In addition, the following MCMIS census file snapshots were used for cross-referencing carrier information: December 23, 2004, December 23, 2005, December 22, 2006, December 21, 2007 and June 20, 2008.

*Driver OOS rate is based on inspection levels I, II, III and VI.
 Vehicle OOS rate is based on inspection levels I, II, V and VI.
 HM OOS rate is based on inspection levels I, II, III and VI when HM is present.
2008 data, as of September 26, 2008
U.S. Department of Transportation Logo U.S. Department of Transportation   Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
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