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Woods Hole Geographic Information System (GIS) Users Take GIS Day to a Local School

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On Friday, November 21, the Geographic Information System (GIS) Users of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)'s Woods Hole Science Center (WHSC) participated in an outreach program at the Lawrence School in Falmouth, MA.

An extension of the multisponsored GIS Day, the outreach involved spending a day at the school, visiting each of teacher Lynn Parks' eighth-grade Earth-science classes.

Each classroom visit included a PowerPoint presentation explaining GIS and how the USGS WHSC uses GIS in its research activities, specifically discussing the principle of remote sensing.

After the presentation, the students engaged in hands-on activities: they were introduced to sidescan sonar and had the opportunity to compare sediment samples and sonar imagery.

A chemistry demonstration showed the students how USGS scientists collect, analyze, and interpret the chemistry of sediment samples and then incorporate them into a GIS.

Lastly, the students looked at GIS data for the town of Falmouth and aerial photographs of the area. It's always a big hit to have the kids find their houses on a photograph!

The following members of the USGS' Coastal and Marine Geology Program participated in the Lawrence School outreach: Seth Ackerman, Soupy Alexander, Sandy Baldwin, VeeAnn Cross, Erika Hammar-Klose, Emily Himmelstoss, Sarah Kelsey, Tammie Middleton, and Ed Sweeney.

This outreach activity has become a yearly event as part of the USGS WHSC's recognition of GIS Day. Thanks to all who participated!

Related Sound Waves Stories
USGS Scientists from St. Petersburg, FL, Participate in GIS (Geographic Information System) Day
Dec. 2003 / Jan. 2004

Related Web Sites
Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)
Woods Hole Science Center
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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)