US Fish and Wildlife Shield

Black Creek Photo: Laura Housh

About Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
 Staff/Financial Impact
 Fact Sheet (.pdf)

Visiting Carolina Sandhills NWR
 Bird watching

Flora and Fauna at Carolina Sandhills

Refuge Management
 Prescribed burning
 Fields & Grasslands

Seasonal Wildlife Events and Calendar


Frequently Asked Questions

Carolina Sandhills Refuge Home Page

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service site


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

What is a Comprehensive Conservation Plan?

It is the policy of the US Fish and Wildlife Service to manage all lands within the National Wildlife Refuge System in accordance with an approved comprehensive conservation plan, as required under the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997. These plans outline a vision for each refuge; guide management decisions; and outline goals, objectives and strategies to achieve the visions and purposes of each refuge unit. The plans will provide other agencies and the public with an understanding of the management strategies to be implemented. These plans further the missions of the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Wildlife Refuge System

Generally, a Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP):

  • Is a 15-year refuge management plan,
  • Serves the purposes of the refuge,
  • Describes the desired future conditions of a refuge,
  • Provides consistency and continuity, and
  • Provides long-range guidance and management direction for a refuge manager.

CCP Process:

  • Conduct Preplanning
  • Conduct Public Scoping
  • Prepare a Draft CCP
  • Conduct Internal Review
  • Hold a Public Review and Comment Period
  • Create a Final CCP
  • Approve a Finding of No Significant Impact
  • Implement and Monitor the CCP over 15 Years
  • Review & Revise the Plan within 15 Years

Core Planning Team:

  • Charles McEntyre, PE, CHMM, Tennessee Valley Authority, Planner/Team Facilitator
  • Allyne H. Askins, Refuge Manager
  • Donald Cockman, Assistant Refuge Manager
  • Jack Culpepper, Refuge Forester
  • Jason Ayers, Wildlife Biologist, Fish and Wildlife Service, Charleston, SC
  • Lynn Quattro, SC Department of Natural Resources
  • Refuge Biologist (vacant)
  • Refuge Fire Management Officer (vacant)
  • Forester (vacant), SC Forestry Commission


  • SC Department of Natural Resources
  • SC Forestry Commission
  • SC State Parks
  • SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, Air & Water Quality Divisions
  • Fort Jackson – Environmental Division
  • Shaw Air Force Base – Environmental Division
  • Congaree National Park
  • National Forests of SC
  • Local communities of McBee, Chesterfield, and Cheraw
  • Chesterfield and Darlington counties
  • Cheraw Chamber of Commerce
  • You – the public!!

For more information on the National Wildlife Refuge System:

General Information
US Code, Title 16, Chapter 5A, Subchapter III, §668dd

General Planning Questions?

The Citizen's Wildlife Refuge Planning Handbook (by Defenders of Wildlife)
FWS Planning Policy (see Part 602, Refuge Planning)
FWS, Southeast Region's Planning

We Need You!

The US Fish and Wildlife Service invites you to participate in the CCP planning process for Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge. We are currently in the Scoping Stage for the Refuge's CCP. This means that we are currently gathering information and data to begin evaluating the past, present, and future of the Refuge. We have held two scoping meetings and will continue to take comments through December on what you see as the issues, concerns, and problems that this Refuge will face during the next 15 years. After Public Scoping, we will then sit down and look at all the information, data, and comments gathered from all the sources (e.g., from the public, partners, other governmental agencies, organizations, and local businesses) and begin drafting a 15-year management plan for the Refuge. Once a draft is prepared, we will come back to the public for review and comment on this draft.

If you would like to keep informed about this planning process, please fill out and return the mailing list request form. We look forward to hearing from you!

Carolina Sandhills NWR
CCP - Updated Schedule

The estimated timeline for this planning process is expected to span about 2 years. This timeline has the potential to be extended for a variety of reasons (e.g., additional time might be necessary to gather public input, to prepare the CCP and NEPA documents, and/or to conduct internal review of the documents).

Planning Phases

Estimated Dates
(dates are subject to change)

Conduct Preplanning

Summer 2007

Initiate Public Scoping (Open House)

September 10, 2007

Conduct Public Scoping

September – December 2007

Conduct Intergovernmental Scoping

September 10, 2007

Prepare Draft CCP

~January – July 2008

Conduct Internal Review and Publish Draft CCP & EA

~August – November 2008

Request Public Review & Comment
(open for comment for 60 days)

~January – February 2009

Develop Final CCP

~June 2009

Sign Finding of No Significant Impact

~August 2009

Begin Implementation the CCP

~October 2009


America's National Wildlife Refuges, where wildlife comes first!