West Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Southeast Region
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Comprehensive Conservation Plan

West Tennessee Refuges
Federal Building, Room 201
309 North Church Street
Dyersburg, TN 38024

Refuge Manager: Randy Cook
Phone: 731/287-0650
Fax: 731/286-0468
Email: randy_cook@fws.gov

Comprehensive Conservation Planning

What's it all about?

The National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 requires each National Wildlife Refuge to prepare a comprehensive plan by the year 2012. West Tennessee Refuges began the development of the plan in 2000. It is estimated that the process will take two to three years to complete. The plan will address the management of plant species, wildlife and fish populations, endangered species, forests, fire, wetlands, cultural resources, contaminanats, public use, education, research, land acquisition, and partnerships.

Purpose of the Plan

  • Provide a clear statement of direction and continutity for management of the refuge for the next 15 years.
  • Ensure that the refuge's management actions are consistent with the mandates of the National Wildlife Refuge System.
  • Ensure that the planned public use of refuge programs and facilities provides maximum benefit to the users without negatively impacting the wildlife resources and habitat that support those uses.
  • Provide refuge neighbors, visitors, the public, and government officials with an understanding of refuge management actions on and around the refuge.
  • Ensure that the management of the refuge considers federal, state, and county plans.
  • Provide the basis for the developemnt of budget requests on the refuge's operational, maintenance, and capitol improvement needs; and land acquisition.

Last updated: September 4, 2008