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What You Need To Know About™ Leukemia
    Posted: 03/31/2003


What Is Leukemia?

Normal Blood Cells

Leukemia Cells

Types of Leukemia

Leukemia: Who’s at Risk?




Getting a Second Opinion

Preparing for Treatment

Methods of Treatment


Biological Therapy

Radiation Therapy

Stem Cell Transplantation

Side Effects of Cancer Treatment


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Radiation Therapy

Stem Cell Transplantation

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The side effects of chemotherapy depend mainly on the specific drugs and the dose. In general, anticancer drugs affect cells that divide rapidly, especially leukemia cells. Chemotherapy can also affect other rapidly dividing cells:

  • Blood cells: These cells fight infection, help the blood to clot, and carry oxygen to all parts of the body. When blood cells are affected, patients are more likely to get infections, may bruise or bleed easily, and may feel very weak and tired.

  • Cells in hair roots: Chemotherapy can lead to hair loss. The hair grows back, but the new hair may be somewhat different in color and texture.

  • Cells that line the digestive tract: Chemotherapy can cause mouth and lip sores, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and poor appetite. Many of these side effects can be controlled with drugs.

Some anticancer drugs can affect a patient’s fertility. Women may have irregular menstrual periods or periods may stop altogether. Women may have symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Men may stop producing sperm. Because these changes may be permanent, some men have their sperm frozen and stored before treatment. Most children treated for leukemia appear to have normal fertility when they grow up. However, depending on the drugs and doses used and the age of the patient, some boys and girls may be infertile when they mature.

Because targeted therapy (sometimes used for chronic myeloid leukemia) affects only leukemia cells, it causes fewer side effects than most other anticancer drugs. However, Gleevec may cause patients to retain water. This may cause swelling or bloating.

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