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Region 8

What is GIS?

This page provides links to Geographic Information System information, maps, and interactive tools to aid you in exploring Region 8.

What is GIS?

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system that manages data identified by their locations (geographically referenced). Examples of GIS data are county boundaries, land use, and pollution-monitoring locations. With GIS, data can be displayed, assembled, stored, and manipulated. Such data are frequently displayed as maps.

GIS technology can be used for scientific investigations, natural resource management, and development planning. For example, a GIS system could:

1. Allow emergency planners to easily calculate emergency response times in the event of a natural disaster.

2. Use water quality and land use data to identify wetlands that need protection from pollution.

3. Create presentation-quality maps.

For more information contact:

John Wieber
Telephone: 303-312-6118

EPA Mapping Links:

EPA's interactive interface for Envirofacts Data Warehouse.
Interactive Enviromapper applications for regulated facilities, brownfields, environmental justice, watersheds, metro areas, and superfund sites
A single point of access to select U.S. EPA environmental data. Topics include Waste, Water, Toxics, Air, Radiation, Land and more. Experienced users can select Advanced Capabilities for more detailed reports
A web-based tool that provides a wide range of federal, state, and local information about environmental conditions and features in an area of your choice
Pollution Prevention
Pesticides & Toxic Substances
Solid Waste & Emergency Response

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Other Federal Links:

Real-time or past stream flow data for the entire US; surface water, ground water and water quality data.
Current and past national water quality information.
USGS educational resources.
Satellite images, aerial photographs, cartograpic products.
Information on physical and geographic features and their Federallly recognized names.
Scientific Information on the behavior of toxic substances in hydrologic environments for characterization and mangement of contaminated sites.
Interactive mapping application for states and metropolitan areas with data for viewing and for download.
Interactive national map browser.
  • USGS National Mapping Information
A wealth of mapping information, including projects and programs, technologies and educational materials.
Geometronics Service Center, digital data clearing house, national maps, federal and state links.
  • Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)
Develops policies and procedures for data sharing, including Metadata Standards and National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Info and links.
Provides links to data and to intermapping sites, wetlands interactive mapper

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State Links:


Rocky Mountain Chapter - Urban & Regional Information Systems Association
Maps and downloadable data
GIS data and maps
  • Colorado Geographic Information Portal
Colorado BLM GIS and remote sensing projects, statewide maps and metadata.


Nearly complete statewide coverage of new 1 meter resolution aerial photos available for download..
Montana State Library interactive map system: Thematic Mapper, TopoFinder, QuadFinder, Maps, Wells, TMDL Streams, 404 Permit Finder
Montana GIS information and data clearinghouse


  • North Dakota Geological Survey GIS Center
ND spatial data clearing house; listing of geologic reports and investigations.
  • Metadata explorer


Geologic maps, current projects, publications by county and FAQs
Data, online maps and interactive mapping.
Geologic maps, current projects, publications by county and FAQs


State database, maps, user's manual, projects, metadata and viewing tools


  • University of Wyoming Internet Map Server
Interactive Oil and Gas Resource Assessment Mapper.
GIS data and links to other data sources
Wyoming Atlas, interactive mapping and data downloads
Spatial data and natural resources clearing house, WY Geological Survey Interactive map server .

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Other GIS Resources:

Maps, customized maps, conversions for township-range-section, UTM, degrees-minutes-seconds for western states
Maps, reports, projects and interactive mapping for 5 southwestern Colorado counties; other western slope GIS resources
Commercial site. Developers of GIS software, most notably Arc/Info, ArcView, and ArcIMS. Interactive mapping demos
Links to a wealth of sites for remote sensing and GIS resources

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