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Two-dimensional View

This animation displays changes in estimated brown trout numbers by life stage through time for a section of river based on depth and velocity habitat suitability criteria.  This two-dimensional view shows cell-by-cell distribution of the estimated fish population in patches of suitable habitat for that time period.

The top of the screen (shown below) reveals the week and the date on the left and the corresponding flow in the river measured in cubic feet per second (cfs) on the right.

Image of the top of the screen.

In the screen below are six panels that depict the estimated number of individuals present in that week for that life stage in that study unit.  The top two panels present the egg/alevin life stage, the middle two panels the fry life stage and the bottom two panels the fingerling life stage.

Image of the center screen.

River study units are separated by a line perpendicular to the flow at that point and classified by distinct habitat type.

As the weeks progress and flows change, color appears, changes and disappears in the river study units indicating the estimated numbers of individuals present.  The river segment gets larger and smaller, and side channels open and close, corresponding to the changes in flow.  Over the one-year duration seen in this animation, estimated populations of brown trout eggs/alevins mature into fry and fry grow into fingerlings.

The screen below shows the location of the two close up river study units shown above.  A color legend provides an index to estimated fish density measured in individuals per square meter.

Image of the bottom screen.

To view this animation, select a link below (Note: animations are in WMV format and will open automatically in Windows Media Player).

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