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Region 8


cows grazing

Agricultural activities represent the largest land use and the most widespread set of potential impacts on the environment in Region 8. Agriculture, and the industries it supports, is also one of the most important economic sectors for our states and tribes. With over half of Region 8's land area devoted to crop and livestock production, our ability to help and encourage ranchers and farmers practice environmental stewardship is critical.

EPA Region 8 has established working relationships with agricultural producers, federal, state and local agencies and others to improve the management of environmental impacts. Our programs work on and provide technical assistance and grants on the following topics:

  • proper management and application of pesticides
  • farm worker safety
  • protection of rivers and lakes, wetlands, and rangeland ecosystems
  • animal feeding operations
  • air quality
  • minimizing erosion and the runoff of nutrients and pesticides

EPA Region 8 makes working with the agricultural community to conserve vital water, land and wildlife resources a priority.

About Region 8

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