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Bibliography of Native Colorado River Big Fishes

This bibliography contains information available as of January 2005 on bonytail (Gila elegans), humpback chub (Gila cypha), Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius), flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis) and razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus). It was created at Arizona State University, Tempe, under contract to U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado (Cooperative Agreement No. 00CRAG0004, Cooperative Project Award No. 0004CS0001). Paul C. Marsh ASU Principal Investigator and Gordon Mueller USGS Program Officer. Carol A. Pacey (ASU) conducted reviews, performed searches, and constructed the database. The authors have exercised reasonable care to ensure that information in this bibliography is correct and accurate, however, we cannot assume responsibility for omissions or inadvertent errors, and the user assumes all risks of use.

Citation lists are sorted one of two ways: Year > Author or Author > Year. All links within the site default to the Year (oldest to most recenty) > Author (alphabetical) format. Each pages title indicates the sort order used in the current data display. Use the links in the tables "Citations" heading to change the sort order. To view a list of citations from the bibliography, use the navigation to the right or the links below:

All of the citations for native Colorado River big fishes

Bonytail citations

Colorado Squawfish citations

Flannelmouth Sucker citations

Humpback Chub citations

Razorback Sucker citations

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