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Process Review of State Highway Construction & Materials Project Staffing

Laboratory and Project Visit Review Guidelines

(For: Central Laboratory, District Laboratory, and Individual Project Visits)

Word Version (67 kb) | PDF Version (66 kb)

Review Date: 
Review Location: 
Personnel Met With: 
Project/Contract Number: 
Project Location: 
Contract Amount: 
Project Work/Materials type(s)Total Value of WorkPercentage of Total Contract
Drainage & Water Systems  
Subbase & Base Courses  
Curbs & Pavements (HMA)  
Highway Safety Appurtenances  
Roadside Items
(Fence, Walls, Landscape)
Traffic Control Devices  
Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete  
Prestressed Concrete Beams  
Piles & Sheeting  
Structural Steel & Metal Products  
Structures Waterproofing Systems  
Earth Retaining Systems
(Revetment, MSE Walls)

Number & Qualifications of Staff in Laboratories and on Individual Projects

  • Number of construction and materials personnel currently assigned to Project
    (List each Position):
  • Are all Project Records (Diary, IDRs, Materials Test Reports, Ledger, etc.) completed daily and maintained up to date?

  • Do Project Personnel feel that additional construction & materials staff are needed on this Project to ensure adequate contract administration and inspection?

  • For each person assigned to Project:

    Position Title 
    Project Job Duties 
    Assigned Full-time or Part time
    (What %)
    Number of Other Projects to which Currently Assigned 
    Number of Hours/Day on this Project 
    Number of Days/Week on this Project 
    Level of Formal Education 
    Number of Years Experience in Construction Inspection & Testing 
    Current Formal Qualifications Held
    (i.e. NETTCP, Other)
    Training (State, NHI, Other) Relevant to Work on this Project 
    Number of Years Employed by state 
    How was Person Hired by state 
    Position Held Prior to Current Position 
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Joe Huerta
Resource Center (Baltimore)
E-mail Joe

This page last modified on 06/05/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration