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FHWA Briefing: Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council Proposed Pooled Fund Study - "Training Management and Development"

March 2002

The Office of Asset Management proposes to initiate a new FHWA-led Pooled Fund Study "Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TCCC) Training Management and Development," provided the States indicate sufficient interest. Attached is a Statement of Work for the proposed study and a Pool-Fund Study Commitment Form. The objective of this study is to facilitate management of the TCCC at the national level and for the development of curriculum and core training materials identified by the TCCC technical panel. This 5-year effort will include the following activities:

  • Core curriculum materials will be identified under the direction of the TCCC and developed under an FHWA National Highway Institute contract to address national and regional needs.
  • Promote uniformity in training content and qualification requirements.
  • Advocate the dissemination of information among training and certifying regional and industrial organizations.
  • Encourage the development and improvement of AASHTO standards and maximize their usage in training development.
  • Share information on the growth and development of reciprocity among industry and State work forces.

The 5-year study is estimated to cost approximately $5,000,000. The FHWA will continue to contribute to the support of this study. States interested in participating should indicate their proposed level of support on the attached commitment form at their earliest convenience. The assigned study number is TPF-5(046). Funds should be obligated to this project entering the project number as TPF5046 in FMIS; the three letters are part of the formal number in the system. Copies of this memorandum and attachments are being sent directly to each State Research Advisory Committee member. We ask that you work closely with your State transportation department to determine the support for this initiative by all interested program areas, construction, maintenance, materials and the State Training Coordinators. Questions concerning this proposed study should be directed to Mr. John Perry at or at 202-366-2023. Completed commitment forms may be faxed to him at 202-366-9981.

AASHTO Highways Subcommittees on Construction, Maintenance & Materials

Proposed Resolution Title -- Support the Initiative to Establish a National Pool Fund Project to Support the Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council and the Development of CORE Training

WHEREAS, It is becoming apparent to the Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council that additional assistance is needed in the coordination and development of core technician training materials; and

WHEREAS, The five regional technician training and qualification groups established throughout the United States find that keeping their core training and qualification materials current and developing new materials is a major task; and

WHEREAS, There is potential for a major duplication of effort in the technical program areas unless these core materials are centrally coordinated and developed; and

WHEREAS, The efficiency of working together and the consistency of using core materials throughout the United States will also be enhanced; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, That it is in the best interest of each member department to consider pooled funding for the production and development of the core training and qualification materials as identified by the National Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the AASHTO Subcommittees on Construction, Maintenance and Materials supports the Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council proposed pool funded project for the production and development of the core training and qualification materials.

Approved by: Construction, August 2001, Wichita, Kansas
Maintenance, July 19, 2001, Hershey, Pennsylvania
Materials August 3, 2001, Kalispell, Montana

TCCC Pooled Fund Project - Statement of Work
Last Update 02-06-02

Project: Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TCCC) Training Management and Development

Problem Statement: In recent years five regional organizations were formed in various parts of the country to concentrate on training and qualifying personnel involved in highway construction activities. Hurdles and common goals included: addressing the requirements of Federal Regulation 23 CFR 637 - Quality Assurance Procedures for Construction, technician reciprocity, uniformity in procedures, qualifying personnel, resource sharing, and information sharing. Industry, which held many of the same interests, became partners in these efforts. While these achievements were both admirable and effective they also resulted in duplication of training development and inefficiencies in the usage of scarce State Highway Agency and Industry resources. The intent of 23 CFR 637 was about work force development for a competent construction team including materials testers and construction technicians for both the owner and the contractor. Additionally, maintenance has also come on board as they see themselves having to contract out many of their preservation activities. The initial goal was to develop training and qualification program materials for Aggregates, Asphalt, Concrete, Embankment & Base, and In-Place Density. This was an admirable first step, however, it is to our benefit to not stop there but to continue to work together to develop qualifications and training in such areas as Managing Construction Workmanship, Geotechnical Inspection, Work Zone Traffic Control Safety, Quality Assurance Technologist, Resident Engineer Academy, and other work force development needs. We need to be assured of having a pool of qualified transportation people for every need in the materials, construction and maintenance arena now and into the future.

Description: With support from FHWA, State Transportation Agencies, Industry and the AASHTO Highway Subcommittees on Construction, Materials and Maintenance, the AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways endorsed a resolution for the development of core training materials on December 1, 2001. This pooled fund project will be administered for a 5-year period and will be used to facilitate management of the TCCC at the national level and for the development of curriculum and core training materials identified by the TCCC technical panel. The following is a list of activities that will be performed to aid in reducing duplication of efforts among the transportation industry while revising and developing identified core training materials and short courses:

  • Core curriculum materials will be identified under the direction of the TCCC and fully developed under NHI contract to address national needs. Completely developed courses will offer between 80 - 90% of what regional groups, industry groups or state agencies need. Recipients may utilize core materials as developed or individually tailor the materials to meet specific needs for local or regional training programs.
  • Promote uniformity in training content and qualification requirements..
  • Advocate the dissemination of information among training and certifying regional and industrial organizations.
  • Encourage the development and improvement of AASHTO standards and maximize their usage in training development.
  • Share information on the growth and development of reciprocity among industry and state work forces.
Budget: The following is an estimated budget for TCCC activities to be performed during the five-year period. Target pooled fund activity is estimated at $ 1 million annually.
ItemCost Per Each (Est.)
(In 1,000's)
Quantity Per YearAnnual Cost (Est.)
(In 1,000's)
Five Year Cost (Est.)
(In 1,000's)
# TCCC Supportive Services Contract$1001$100$500
Biannual TCCC Meeting$152$30$150
Maintenance of the TCCC Web site; Marketing/Piloting of Training Matls.$351$35$175
* Training Course Development$120 - $1504 - 7$720 - $900$3,600 - $4,500
Total (Est.)$1,000$5,000

It is desirable to have an annual obligation to this pooled fund study in the amount of $15,000 to $25,000 dollars or higher.

# A Supportive Services Contract to obtain an executive director for the TCCC will be developed with the assistance of FHWA's Office of Asset Management. The TCCC Executive Director will be expected to assist with the coordination and management of the following: identification of training needs; coordination and management of various technical panels; development and facilitation of the biannual meetings and follow up work plan activities and updates; maintenance of the web site; revising, developing, marketing and piloting of core training materials and activities; and to provide efficient information exchange including documentation of everything the TCCC Technical Advisory Committee deems necessary.. This Supportive Services Contract will be administered by HIAM-20 with technical support from the TCCC and the FHWA Resource Centers.

* Funding for the actual cost of course development is to be a pooled effort between NHI, FHWA Program Offices and this TCCC Pooled Fund Project.

Scheduling: The schedule of events are as follows:

  • Continuous - Biannual meetings to monitor and direct progress of TCCC activities and to share regional and industry activities, accomplishments and training needs
  • Continuous - TCCC Supportive Services Contract, Maintenance of the TCCC Web site and Marketing of Core Training Materials and TCCC Activities.
  • 2002 - Accumulate TCCC Pooled Funds and Secure the 5-year TCCC Supportive Services Contract.
  • 2003 - Commence Course Development as identified by the TCCC, Pilot training materials to one or two desiring state DOT's, and final delivery of training materials to TCCC Members. (Typical)
  • 2004 - Continued Course Development, Piloting, and Delivery of Training Matls.
  • 2005 - Continued Course Development, Piloting, and Delivery of Training Matls.
  • 2006 - Continued Course Development, Piloting, and Delivery of Training Matls.
  • 2007 - Continued Course Development, Piloting, and Delivery of Training Matls.

Lead/Sponsoring Agency:
John A. Perry
Construction and Maintenance Engineer - FHWA
400 7th Street S.W. Room 3211, HIAM-20
Washington DC 20590
Phone 202-366-2023

FHWA Technical Field Liaison:
Bryan R. Cawley
Materials Engineer
Midwestern Resource Center - FHWA
19900 Governors Drive, Suite 301
Olympia Fields, IL 60461-1021
Phone 708-283-3570

TCCC Chair:
Howe Crockett
Construction Operations Engineer - National Parks
Western Federal Lands Highway Division
610 East Fifth Street
Vancouver, WA 98661
Phone: 360-696-7750

Technical Advisory Committee / Panel:
This will be comprised of one person from each of the five technician training and certification groups (MARTCP, M-TRAC, NETTCP, SETFTTC, & WAQTC), each of the three AASHTO Highway Subcommittees (Construction, Maintenance & Materials), and industry (ACPA, AGC, ARTBA and NAPA).


More Information


Chris Newman
Office of Asset Management
E-mail Chris

Construction Feedback
E-mail Construction

This page last modified on 07/19/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration