Magnet Schools Assistance

Current Section  Eligibility
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Who May Apply: (by category) Local Education Agencies

Who May Apply: (specifically) Only LEAs or consortia of LEAs that are implementing court-ordered or federally approved voluntary desegregation plans that include magnet schools are eligible to apply. Private schools do not participate in this program.

A local educational agency, or consortium of such agencies where appropriate, is eligible to receive a grant under the Magnet Schools Assistance Program to carry out the purpose of the Magnet Schools Assistance Program if such agency or consortium--

  1. is implementing a plan undertaken pursuant to a final order issued by a court of the United States, or a court of any State, or any other State agency or official of competent jurisdiction, that requires the desegregation of minority-group-segregated children or faculty in the elementary schools and secondary schools of such agency; or
  2. without having been required to do so, has adopted and is implementing, or will, if a grant is awarded to such local educational agency, or consortium of such agencies, under this part, adopt and implement a plan that has been approved by the Secretary as adequate under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for the desegregation of minority-group-segregated children or faculty in such schools.

See Frequently Asked Questions for further information regarding eligibility

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Last Modified: 10/05/2006

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