California Portable Classrooms Study

This page last reviewed October 4, 2013

portable classroom

The Air Resources Board (ARB) and Department of Health Services (DHS) completed a comprehensive study of the environmental health conditions in portable (relocatable) classrooms. This study investigated classrooms in kindergarten through 12th grade public schools and included a large representative sample. A number of environmental problems were found in classrooms throughout California. The Report to the California Legislature: Environmental Health Conditions in California's Portable Classrooms has been submitted to the Legislature, and is available for download below:

Other related documents are also available.

We have developed a School Health web page for school administrators and others involved in school environmental health and air quality issues. It includes a short (two-page) advisory to schools on actions they can take now to improve the environmental conditions in their classrooms, plus many web links to steer them to useful information and checklists.

The Air Resources Board and Department of Health Services have developed recommendations to assist schools in reducing their indoor formaldehyde concentrations.
