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NWRC Science Response Vehicle

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Image of NWRC Science Response Vehicle

The National Wetlands Research Center (NWRC) maintains a Science Response Vehicle (SRV) capable of rapid deployment in response to natural disasters throughout the United States. It is equipped with computers, software, and plotters to provide spatial analyses during and after natural disasters. Staff from NWRC are available for deployment to meet the needs of the Nation in response to natural disasters. The SRV was used during the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

SRV Features include:

Spatial analysis technologies to:

  • Evaluate land use, recovery, and restoration
  • Develop maps and imagery of critical infrastructure for first-responder assessments
  • Model biological impacts of natural hazards (hurricanes, earthquakes,
    and wildfires)
  • Help in emergency response and humanitarian search and rescue operations (mapping 911 calls)
  • Provide rapid scientific monitoring and assessments of biological, geological, hydrological, and geographical resources
  • Transfer critical monitoring data
Image of NWRC Science Response Vehicle

Response capabilities to:

  • Provide a scientific base of operations for sample collection and field processing
  • Provide critical communications via the Internet through an onboard satellite dish
  • Provide potential capability for serving as a GPS-base station
  • Provide satellite voice and data communications
  • Receive TV signals through the satellite dish for weather and emergency information
  • Provide living quarters for scientific and response personnel
Image of NWRC Science Response Vehicle

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 12-Aug-2008 16:28:37 EDT